1.What is meant by the term ‘belief’? 2.What is meant by the term ‘deity’? 3.What is a miracle? 4.What does monotheism mean? 5.Give one word that describes God’s a 1.Give two examples of how God intervenes in the world 2.Give two examples of Christian miracles 3.State two Christian beliefs about the Holy Spirit 4.State two Christian beliefs about the nature of God 5.Give one word that describes the nature of God and explain what it means b 1.Describe why some Christians believe that God chooses to intervene in the world 2.Describe one reason a Christian might give for believing in God 3.Describe one way Christians believe God intervenes in the world through Jesus 4.What do Christians believe about Jesus 5.Describe how the Holy Spirit affects Christians c 1.Explain what Christians believe about the nature of God 2.Explain why there are different beliefs about miracles within Christianity 3.Explain the different responses of Christians to miracles 4.Explain Christian beliefs about miracles 5.Explain why Christians believe God exists 1.Belief in God is not reasonable 2.God cannot be described 3.People should believe in a creator God 4.There is a lot of evidence to prove there is a God 5.It is important for Christians to believe in miracles d e Beliefs about Deity Module – all past questions
D)Explain why Christians worship in different ways (6 marks) 2 PointEvidenceExplain
D)Explain why Christians worship in different ways (6 marks) 3 PointEvidenceExplain 1. Because they are members of a particular liturgical denomination e.g. RC Jesus said ‘do this in remembrance of me’ Eucharist is the focal point, altar is dominant in Church, the aim is spiritual 2. 3.
D)Explain why Christians worship in different ways (6 marks) 4 PointEvidenceExplain 1. Because they are members of a particular liturgical denomination e.g. RC Jesus said ‘do this in remembrance of me’ Eucharist is the focal point, altar is dominant in Church, the aim is spiritual 2. Might be members of a protestant denomination – less liturgical e.g. Methodist Lectern/pulpit more prominent in the church Sermons/readings more important, related to everyday life, the aim is more ‘practical’
D)Explain why Christians worship in different ways (6 marks) 5 PointEvidenceExplain 1. Because they are members of a particular liturgical denomination e.g. RC Jesus said ‘do this in remembrance of me’ Eucharist is the focal point, altar is dominant in Church, the aim is spiritual 2. Might be members of a protestant denomination – less liturgical e.g. Methodist Lectern/pulpit more prominent in the church Sermons/readings more important, related to everyday life, the aim is more ‘practical’ 3. Might be Quakers (society of friends’ No structured service, special building. ‘Wherever 2 or 3 come together in my name there I am with them’ Waiting. Listening. Silent. ‘Be still and know that I am God’ Psalms (meditation)
e) ‘Prayer is the best way to worship’ Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. (12 marks) SONICMAIN POINT OF PARAGRAPH Some Christians Other Christians Non-Christians I think that Conclusion
e) ‘Prayer is the best way to worship’ Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. (12 marks) SONICMAIN POINT OF PARAGRAPH Some ChristiansAgree – this is what Jesus taught e.g. the Lord’s Prayer Other ChristiansPartly disagree – actions are important as worship e.g. Salvation Army working to help those in need: practical aim. Jesus did this too! Non-Christianse.g. atheists – there is no God so prayer is futile. Science has shown no evidence of the existence of God I think thatI disagree… good deeds could just as easily be worship as praying could. Jesus is shown doing both (praying and e.g. helping the poor). It is about your intentions….. ConclusionIn conclusion I disagree, because there are many different ways to worship including singing, art etc and all are valid if you have the intention to worship God. (BOOM!)