Transition of the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program from the Summary Reporting System (SRS) to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Amy C. Blasher Unit Chief UCR Crime Data Modernization
Director’s Priority Initiative Goal: To improve the nation’s crime statistics for reliability, accuracy, accessibility, and timeliness of the data. Prong 1 Transition local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies from the SRS to the NIBRS Prong 2 Collect use of force statistics on all non-fatal and fatal police officer-involved shootings at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels Prong 3 FBI participation in the UCR Program Prong 4 Department of Justice and other federal agency participation in the UCR Program Prong 5 Technical efforts to ensure crime data is accessible and timely
Director’s Priority Initiative The FBI Director has made NIBRS a top priority. In a speech to the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, stated, “I believe that NIBRS is the pathway to better data–to richer data – that we can all use to have informed conversations about the most important issues we face...So I’m going to make it my personal mission to continue to push to get us better data so we can have better conversations.”
Director’s Priority Initiative
NIBRS Strategy Advisory Policy Board Recommendation: “The FBI UCR Program will transition to a NIBRS only data collection by January 1, 2021, and will evaluate the probability of achieving that goal on an annual basis. Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies unable to meet the five year transition and who have committed to transitioning to NIBRS will collaborate with the FBI CJIS to develop a transition plan and timeline for conversion.” National Crime Statistics Exchange BJS led/FBI partnership Expand number of agencies reporting NIBRS Obtain nationally-representative estimates of crime
Major Law Enforcement Organizations: Resolution
FBI Messaging Letters Sent CJIS Systems Officers State UCR Program Managers Association of State Uniform Crime Reporting Site Visits UCR Program Quarterly
Moving Forward State UCR Program NIBRS capability Direct Contributors Increased NIBRS training and education Regional Training Opportunities Computer-Based Training NIBRS Modernization Study (United States Digital Service recommendation) Assess the health of NIBRS for policing today
Measuring Success Determine the measure of success with the NIBRS transition over the five year timeframe (e.g. percent of population covered)
Funding Strategy FBI CJIS Automation Funding Legal approval Development of a mechanism to provide funding Signed Memorandum of Agreement NCS-X Planning Grant Implementation Grant Cooperative Agreements Additional Funding Streams
Contact Information Amy C Blasher Unit Chief Crime Data Modernization Team Phone: Drema Fouch NIBRS Coordinator Crime Data Modernization Team Phone: