The picture here is of a victory march by a triumphant general who parades through the city with the spoils of war and a conquered enemy.
Who are these rulers and authorities?
Plural (v15) In Positions of Power (v15)
Who are these rulers and authorities? Plural (v15) In Positions of Power (v15) Spirit Beings (v8-10, Eph 6:12)
Who are these rulers and authorities? Plural (v15) In Positions of Power (v15) Spirit Beings (v8-10, Eph 6:12) Created Beings (Col 1:16)
Who are these rulers and authorities? Plural (v15) In Positions of Power (v15) Spirit Beings (v8-10, Eph 6:12) Created Beings (Col 1:16) Over distinct nations/groups (Deu 32:8-9, Dan 10)
Who are these rulers and authorities? Does the Bible then teach polytheism (multiple gods?)
Who are these rulers and authorities? Does the Bible then teach polytheism (multiple gods?) No, God is distinct, exalted, and incomparable (Psalm 29:1-2,8:6-7) These other “gods” are created beings.
Who are these rulers and authorities? Does the Bible then teach polytheism (multiple gods?) For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. ( 1 Corinthians 8:5–6)
What is the Nature of this War?
While Satan and these evil powers are against God, they cannot wage war against God directly.
What is the Nature of this War? While Satan and these evil powers are against God, they cannot wage war against God directly. God’s victory has never been in jeopardy. Satan has never won even a single battle against God. Though he is against God, Satan has never been a threat to God, his power or his work.
What is the Nature of this War? The triumph of God in Col 2:15 is a triumph on behalf of mankind.
What is the Nature of this War? From Gen 3 onwards, Satan and his spiritual “offspring” have been at war with mankind.
What is the Nature of this War? The gods of Psalm 82 have oppressed the nations under their authority.
How did God triumph over them?
God’s victory must be in and through a man for it to be effective to man.
How did God triumph over them? God’s victory must be in and through a man for it to be effective to man. Because of God’s righteousness, God could not punish wicked rulers and let wicked people go unpunished.
How did God triumph over them? God’s victory must be in and through a man for it to be effective to man. Because of God’s righteousness, God could not punish wicked rulers and let wicked people go unpunished. Because Satan held the power of death over mankind, it had to be a man who destroyed that power. (Heb 2:14)
How did God triumph over them? God’s victory must be in and through a man for it to be effective to man. Jesus, a flesh and blood member of the human race, has conquered the evil powers, even Satan, who stood against us. (Heb 2:14)
How did God triumph over them? God’s victory must be in and through a man for it to be effective to man. Our failure to measure up to God’s standard was Satan’s only power over us. But God canceled and set aside the demands of the law, nailing it to the cross. (v14, Gal 4:3-5)
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us?
1. Evil Powers are disarmed
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed a) Accusation- our guilt has been removed with our sins
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed a) Accusation- our guilt has been removed with our sins b) Temptation- God will always provide a way of escape
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed a) Accusation- our guilt has been removed with our sins b) Temptation- God will always provide a way of escape c) Fear- no fear of death, God’s judgment or evil powers
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed a) Accusation- our guilt has been removed with our sins b) Temptation- God will always provide a way of escape c) Fear- no fear of death, God’s judgment or evil powers d) Deceit/Lies- abide in Jesus’ word and the truth will set you free
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed 2. Evil Powers are publicly shamed
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed 2. Evil Powers are publicly shamed 1. By the stripping of their authority over nations
What does God’s Victory Mean to Us? 1. Evil Powers are disarmed 2. Evil Powers are publicly shamed 1. By the stripping of their authority over nations (Psalm 62) 2. By the authority that men (who are in Christ) have over them (Luke 10:17-20)
John 12:31-32 Now is the judgment of the world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from this earth, will draw all people to myself.