#iSucceedwithCTE December 11, 2015 Business Education Zoom-In
#iSucceedwithCTE Agenda 9:30 - General CTE update – Jay Scott 9:45 - Marketing Pathway Update – Dr. Scott Jones, FHSU 10:15 - MBA Research overview and Marketing Assessment – Brenda Clark, MBA Research 10:45 - Accounting Bridge Pilot Program (AP Accounting) – Dr. Dan Deines, KSU 11:15 – General Q & A 11:30 – Adjourn
#iSucceedwithCTE ESEA Reauthorization= ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Goodbye NCLB, Hello ESSA! House Approved—Senate Approved President signed into law this week
#iSucceedwithCTE Legislative Session 2015 Block Grants—Uncertainty of future— Stay the Course BUT we do know--CTE funding IS part of the block grant
#iSucceedwithCTE CTE Funding--Kansas Weighted Funding: (.5) (Still in Block Grant!) Professional Development Specialized equipment Teaching Resources Perkins: (Schools write grants to KSDE) Professional Development Specialized equipment/resources Improvement of existing programs FY16 Reserve Perkins Grants
#iSucceedwithCTE Pathway Growth Total Approved Pathways Total Approved Pathways Increase Pathways Visual Arts Teaching/Training Restaurant/Event Management Health Science Engineering/Applied Mathematics AV Communications
#iSucceedwithCTE Foundational reminders: Ensure you are on the KSDE list servs Ensure KSDE list serv messages are not blocked/spam Refer to KSDE calendar for trainings and deadlines Refer to (subject index) Career and Technical Education for references and guidance documentswww.ksde.org
#iSucceedwithCTE Update Career Pathway Guide is Posted End of Pathway Assessments/Certifications are encouraged, Competency Profiles are default Professional Learning Experience Toolkit updated (NOTE: All off site time must be recorded and kept on file for FTE documentation)
#iSucceedwithCTE New CTE Student Categories beginning in *Participant – 0.5 CTE credit *Concentrator – 2.0 CTE credits (any combination of two levels in the same Pathway) Completer – 3.0 CTE credits (minimum of 2.0 credits must be a combination of technical/application level courses in same Pathways) * Must be reported for Perkins Federal Accountability
#iSucceedwithCTE Double up/Nesting Courses Double up (two courses) Only related CTE courses within same pathway, same cluster and/or across clusters if taught in same physical space and teacher has licensure to teach both. Nesting (three courses) Same pathway and cluster; Consultant approval required
#iSucceedwithCTE Pathway CPPSA & Student Data Updates District Pathway creation in Section 1 of CPPSA. There will be “Change” and “No Change” check boxes on each section. This communication tool will hopefully speed up pathway approval reviews. The Local ID will be added to a few more reports, especially the Pathways’ Courses report!
#iSucceedwithCTE CPPSA Change/No Change Selection Summary
#iSucceedwithCTE Questions? – Pathways Help Desk Numbers: Martin Kollman – Kelli Byrne – Angie Feyh – CPPSA Work Days will be scheduled near you in Jan or Feb 2016.
DR. SCOTT JONES, FHSU Marketing Pathway Update
BRENDA CLARK, MBA RESEARCH MBA Research Overview and Marketing Assessment
DR. DAN DEINES, KSU Accounting Bridge Pilot Program (AP Accounting)
#iSucceedwithCTE Kansas needs 71% of workers to have a post secondary certificate or degree. Approximately 36% need to be bachelor degrees or higher Approximately 35% need to have a certificate or associate degree Student Success
#iSucceedwithCTE Postsecondary Evidence
#iSucceedwithCTE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Learning-Labor Landscape…..Did you know? The average age of U.S. young adults gaining traction in careers is…. 30 yrs. old (up from 26 in 1980) WHY? LOGJAMS High School to Post-secondary K-12 education is based heavily on academic/abstract content and forces our students to enroll in increasingly expensive post-secondary programs to career explore. Post-secondary to Careers Lack of alignment between programs and demands of labor market Transforming U.S. Workforce Development Policies for the 21st Century, pgs
#iSucceedwithCTE Kansas Community Conversations: What characteristics of success were most frequently cited?
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY KANSAS STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION | The business and industry focal groups cited non-academic skills with greater frequency than the community groups:
Kansas College and Career Ready means An individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation. Every CTE Classroom, Every Day
#iSucceedwithCTE Completing or experiencing a Pathway in HS leads to……….. A more informed decision regarding careers to investigate further and the education needed to start a career
KANSAS STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION | A NEW Vision for Kansas…. Kansas leads the world in the success of each student..
#iSucceedwithCTE Creating a Vision for Kansas State Level Outcomes will drive our Vision! High School Graduation Rates Post Secondary Completion/Attendance Remedial Rate of Students Attending Post-Secondary Kindergarten Readiness Individual Plan of Study Focused on Career Interest Social/Emotional Growth Measured Locally
#iSucceedwithCTE December 11, 2015 Business Education Zoom-In