Assist universities in ongoing formation and enrichment Tailored for university faculty Informed, committed lay faculty essential for Lasallian mission
Learn about Lasallian education Witness its international scope
Consider how better to animate universities with Lasallian spirit Return as resources, mentors, animators of Lasallian mission
“ Lasallian is a term to describe a person who is personally fulfilling the mission set forth by Saint John Baptist de La Salle.” - from
Finding ourselves in the Lasallian story Living out of Lasallian principles
Who was St. La Salle and what did he do ?
When & why was our University founded ?
What principles animate our Lasallian mission?
What is “ faith in the presence of God ”?
What difference would it make if I really believed… …God is living and present in my fellow students ? …in my community ? …in my world ? …in me ? How would such faith fuel zeal ?
What is “ quality education ” in the Lasallian tradition?
How might our Lasallian story shape our pedagogy ? How does the Lasallian experience of serving the poor shape how we teach and learn? How is education primarily about relationships ? How does faith inform our critical engagement with the world?
What does it mean to live in community ?
St La Salle believed effective teaching and learning happen in community. Education begins with respect for each individual student. Authentic community = “…where persons meet persons, where mind speaks to mind and heart to heart, where the learning experience is shared with persons who can call each other friends.” – Br Luke Salm, FSC, Lasallian historian
How do you contribute to community? How does Lasallian commmunity show God’s presence among us? How does being in community help us develop tolerance, empathy, respect for others, and working together for a larger purpose?
How do we serve the poor ?
Christian Brothers vow to serve the poor through education. La Salle University continues this tradition by – Serving students of modest means Being sensitive to economic need Raising awareness of poverty Advocating for justice for the marginalized in our city & world
What does “ service to the poor ” mean to you as part of the La Salle community?
How are we part of a diverse global Lasallian association ?
How many… Countries? Schools? How many… 80 countries Brothers? Lay partners? Students? 1050 schools 5000 Brothers 100,000 lay partners 1,000,000 students –
Lasallian institutions of higher education -- interactive map
Aviation program – Chicago area
Cyber security & digital forensics – in Memphis, TN
Music industry major – in Winona, MN
The Elfenworks Center for the Study of Fiduciary Capitalism –near Oakland, CA
De la Salle - Philippines Resource sharing, green campuses E-waste Awareness Day at DLSU-D
15 Mexico campuses Medical school School of Architecture & Design
Bethlehem University – situated in Palestine
How is La Salle University, here in Philly, part of a larger network ? How, practically, can we strengthen our connections?
5. To utilize the Services of Lasallian Universities… 7. To produce relevant publications on Lasallian themes such as service to the poor, the rights of the child, and education for justice and current educational trends.
5. To utilize the Services of Lasallian Universities… 7. To produce relevant publications on Lasallian themes such as service to the poor, the rights of the child, and education for justice and current educational trends. Consider the disciplines in which you are engaged… How might you produce research on Lasallian themes?