Health Education East Midlands Jackie Brocklehurst Transformation and LETC Lead (Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire) 24 th June 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Health Education East Midlands Jackie Brocklehurst Transformation and LETC Lead (Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire) 24 th June 2015

Health Education England

3 HEE Business Plan 2015/16 Foundational Changes: Systems and processes we need to deliver (2) and (3) in a systemic fashion, allowing us to respond flexibly should either of these change. Priority commitments: Deliverables that will be measured numerically and where we expect to come under greater public scrutiny. Transformational changes: Work that may not deliver in- year results, but will take us closer to our strategic ambitions. Priorities: Priority commitments: The Primary and Community care workforce. Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Dementia Birth, Children and Young People. Public Health and Prevention. Emergency and Urgent Care – including Paramedics. Nursing. Specific Geographic Shortages. Transformational changes: Patients the public and carers as part of the health workforce. Flexible training and careers for doctors. Flexible training and careers for registered nurses and care assistants and the wider workforce. A workforce representative of the communities it serves. A workforce planned with the needs of patients as its primary driver, not profession or service. Developing a workforce capable of maximising the impact in care of developments in Genome mapping. A workforce aligned to the strategy of the National Information Board. Operational Business: The commissioning of and contracting for programmes of structured education, including nationwide Post Graduate medical recruitment. Enabler and process improvements including;  Beginning our role as NDPB and embedding beyond Transition.  Establishing the WAG to develop a workforce to deliver new models of care.  Refining our process for a medium term Financial Strategy with a longer term perspective linking SF15, Mandate And 5YFV.  Improved workforce data from all sectors and streamlining and standardising workforce planning processes and products.  An extensive programme of work with DEQ exploring education commissioning for patient safety and quality.  An extensive programme of informatics in support of ‘one HEE operations.

Total of 13 areas Committees of HEE Not Statutory Bodies Provider led Stakeholder representation Core leadership of: Managing Director Independent Chair Director of Education and Quality Head of Finance LETB Regions

Bringing five local health communities together to focus on workforce, education and training One network

“Our goal is to develop a high quality, safe and sustainable workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of the East Midlands.”

Health Education East Midlands East Midlands AHSN EM CLAHRC Healthcare Providers Clinical Engagement East Midlands Leadership Academy Higher Education Instisutions Patients and Public NIHR Social Care Public Health Regulators NMC, GMC, GDC Service Commissioners Key stakeholders

Lead on planning and developing the whole health and public health workforce Identify and agree local priorities for education and training to ensure security of supply of the skills and people providing health and public health services Plan, commission and quality assure high quality education and training on behalf of the local health community in the interests of safe, sustainable service provision and health improvement Deliver post graduate medical and dental education and training for doctors and dentists in the East Midlands Deliver healthcare education transformation: postgraduate education and training; undergraduate medical and non medical commissioning IN SUMMARY: We are the vehicle for providers and professionals to develop their existing and future workforce by improving the quality of education and training outcomes so that they meet the needs of service providers, patients and the public. What we do

Tackling the difficult, long-standing issues Doing things differently – doing different things Mindset for innovation Courageous and measured risks Staff with the skills to continuously improve patient care New opportunities for staff CPD Working more flexibly, stretching and bridging boundaries Recruiting and training for values Measuring success through patients’ eyes Listening more to the student and trainee voice Relentless focus on improving education quality and the training environment Our aspirations

Health Education East Midlands Education & Training Budget 2015/16 £2m £4m £29m £41m POSTGRAD MEDICAL £156m OTHER HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONS £123m £13m £11 m £76m MULTI- PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING £360m £61m MEDICAL STUDENT PLACEMENTS £73m £4m £61m Medical School Support £1m General Practice Clinical Placements Learning Beyond Registration Education Support Denta l £68m. £9 m £7m General Practice inc. Fellowships Public Health Foundation Programme Secondary & Community Care University Tuition Fees Specialty Training 6,993 Students 3,847 Training Posts 1,811 Students Widening Access (salary support) £34m Student Grants £7m Student Grants Transforming the Local WF inc. Leadership £8m HEEM receives an additional £3m per year from the NIHR to support the delivery of its PG medical academic training programme

3635 Medical Trainees Foundation ( F1/F2/Foundation Academic ) 960 GP 770 **Data Source: EM Deanery stocktake October 2014 *** Diagram format reference: London Deanery’s “Changes to Medical Education in London” Respiratory Medicine Gastroenterology Geriatric Medicine Clinical Oncology Haematology Cardiology 15 Others Core Medical Training General Surgery Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Urology ENT Paediatric Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery Core Surgery Forensic Psychiatry General Adult Psychiatry Old Age Psychiatry Psychiatry of Learning Disability Core Psychiatry Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychotherapy Psychiatry 147 ACCS 37 Histopathology 31 Ophthalmology 8 ICM 17 Medical Microbiology & Virology Total Core and HST trainees Core/HST trainees Surgery Anaesthetics 204 East Midlands Medical Trainees: October 2014 (latest stocktake) 24 Clinical Radiology7 3 Public Health 34 Emergency Medicine Plastic Surgery 63 Paediatrics & Child Health 233 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Acute Medicine Anaesthetics Emergency Medicine 12 OMFS 4 Vascular Surgery 3 Chemical Pathology 2 Community Sexual and reproductive health 1 54 Core Anaesthetics Broad Based Training 27 Medicine 560 Acute Internal Medicine 11 Neurosurgery

Health Visitors 91 Occupational Therapy 443 Operating Department Practitioners 136 Paramedics 74 Physiotherapy 351 Speech & Language Therapy 186 Podiatry 65 Hospital Pharmacy 39 Radiography – Diagnostic 176 Radiography – Therapeutic 72 H Healthcare Science - STP 61 Scientists 74 Clinical Psychology 86 Dietetics 113 Midwifery 397 Nursing & Midwifery 4439 Nursing – Child 324 Nursing – Learning Disabilities 139 Nursing – Mental Health 729 East Midlands Non-Medical Trainees : Jan 2015 Nursing –Adult 2805 HSST 3 Allied Health Professionals 1480 Dental Therapy 24 Nursing – Dual Registration 21 Non medical trainees 6412 IAPT 43 Practice Nursing 24 Grad Dip 5

East Midlands Dental Workforce Dentists Hygienist & Therapists 12 Dental Nurse Leicestershire Dentists Hygienist & Therapists 5 Dental Nurse 2 Specialists Lincolnshire Technicians Dentists Hygienist & Therapists 12 Dental Nurse Derbyshire Technicians 3 Specialists Dentists Hygienist & Therapists 1 Dental Nurse Northamptonshire Specialists Dentists Hygienist & Therapists 12 Dental Nurse 6 Nottinghamshire 323 Technicians 1 Specialists

What is a LETC? Our Local Education & Training Council is a partnership forum chaired by a Chief Executive of a provider Trust (Sue James ) Membership is drawn from senior stakeholders across health and social care commissioners and providers Facilitates commissioners and providers to share their perspectives on strategic priorities and understand risks and challenges that need to be managed from a workforce perspective

What does the LETC do? Responsible for ensuring all stakeholders contribute to the locality workforce development plan Collective agreement of key messages and priorities for workforce & education to provide a mandate for the Chair at HEEM Governing Body Oversees a shared work programme for delivery of workforce transformation and education investment Leads collaborative working between partners to deliver the agreed priorities Acts as a forum for consultation on workforce & education issues

Overview of new partnership model LETC SWG Level 1 Level 2 Workforce Innovation Groups Level 3 Derbyshire LETC Board Derbyshire Strategic Workforce Group Multi-disciplinary teams commissioned by SWG either to innovate and develop new ways of working or to implement workforce transformation programmes Workforce Implementation Groups Derbyshire health and care workforce transformation network Derbyshire HRD Group Overseeing organisational development barriers to integration Commissioning of new WFD, OD or L&D initiatives in response to transformation boards 5 year plans or HE priorities Managing and delivery of HE funded ‘business as usual’ programmes such as ‘Practice Placement’. Delivery Group Standing group of WFD professionals

HEEM Supporting Primary Care Establishing a GP and Primary Care Task force to co-ordinate action across the East Midlands Developed a Pre GP training scheme which is being recruited to now Participating in a national review of distribution of GPs and trainees Commissioned a Practice Nurse Degree Programme Production of options and case studies for an 'alternative' workforce (including optimisation of Pharmacy and Optometry Workforce) Developed and commissioned a training route for Urgent Primary Care Practitioners Marketing healthcare in the East Midlands an attractive option for training and working Developing a Community Education Provider Network

Contact details Follow us on Jackie Brocklehurst Transformation and LETC Lead (Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire) Tel: Mobile: