How to Identify, Call Out and Develop SS How to Identify, Call Out and Develop Leaders SS What is needed at various stages along the way..\video\FifeVolunteers.mpg
What is needed at each stage? What is needed for leadership at various stages varies E.g. the difference between what the 12 apostles were like when Jesus chose them and what they were like in Acts E.g. What is needed for a small house church v skills to lead a large congregation
How Jesus picked the 12 First encounters - John 1:35-51 Probed with small requests Sporadic time with Jesus - Perhaps some additional training together in John 2-4 Second call to them at the seashore- Mark 1:16-20, Lk 5:1-11 Tested for commitment (let down nets) Began uninterrupted time with Jesus Final selection of the Twelve – Luke 6:12-16; Mark 3:13-19 Out of many disciples, Jesus chose some special ones Selected after a long night of prayer To be with him and have increased authority and to go out (Matt 10) 3 with special attention 1.How did Jesus discern that they were the right men? 2. How did he develop them at that stage?
What kind of men were they? 4-6 Fishermen Unschooled, ordinary men (Acts 4:13) A doubter Tax collector A zealot A traitor What good characteristics did they have?
Lessons Give small assignments & see who is faithful, then increase responsibility. Mt 25:21 It is easier to take a faithful man & teach him skills than to take a skillful man & teach him faithfulness. As people prove faithful, give them more time & attention. The best leaders/trainers are developed on the job. God will choose those that are unlikely because they are hungry & teachable (1 Sam 22:2; 1 Chr 11:10ff) What people can become may not be what they are now – Titus 1:12-13 We must speak to them about their potential: Peter the rock – John 1:42 It will take much prayer, fasting and testing
Crete versus Ephesus Overseer/Elder Titus 1:5-9 Appointed Qualifications What skills? What character issues? From what kind of starting material? Titus 1:12-13 Overseers 1 Tim 3:1-7 Aspired Qualifications What skills? What character issues? Deacons 1 Tim 3:8-13 Qualifications What skills? What character issues?
Overall (Psa 78:72 Integrity & Skills) Good example – 1 Pet 5:3 (Elder = older in the faith?) Look for someone growing in character Appropriate to the given stage – 1 Pet 5:2, Heb 13:17 Skills (e.g. Talents) - tested Takes responsibility – cares for the flock Love – 1 Pet 4:8 Rooted in the Word – Titus 1:9, Hb 13:7 – and full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:4) CCC’s 3 criteria are hard to beat F aithful A vailable T eachable
Training of Leaders (trainers) INITIAL TRAINING: On the job in the context of 9-12 months T4T-TRT training Especially addressing specific needs in first 1/3 of session MID-LEVEL TRAINING: Extra attention given to “proven” trainers/leaders – Phil 2:22 Often a special time away (see Mid-Level trainers conference as one example) Eventually coordinated by Big Trainers (keep expanding) – their spiritual fathers (Phil 2:22) BIG TRAINERS TRAINING: Customized to their needs Via your personal modeling and interaction with them. Often taking them with you in key training situations. By giving them very independent responsibilities