Thomas ChaffeeJuan Heeren
Oldest found fossils in Kenya Males can stand up to 1.7m tall Chimpanzees arms span 150% of body height Most commonly knuckle walk, also walk on all fours Reach sexual maturity at 8-9 yr. Can live up to 35 years in the wild
Social groups are of mixed sex, with a strict social hierarchy Male dominant, lead by an alpha male Male chimps prove dominance by gaining allies Alpha male displays power by puffing up chest and threatening to charge Low ranking chimpanzees show respect through submissive body language
Females have a separate hierarchy Females pass status through their children Seek dominant status for mating privileges, and acquiring resources such as food Groups of high-ranking females can oust an alpha male, replacing him with another
Chimps use tools to acquire food (and for social display) They have sophisticated hunting strategies They can learn to use symbols and understand aspects of human language including some relational syntax Capable of planning for future events (similar to the gorilla who adopted cat)