Copyright © 2010, Systems and Software Consortium, Inc. It’s Not Just a New Template but a New Way of Thinking March 3, 2010 Creating Beyond Bullet Points (BBP) Presentations Bob Small Mark Blackburn Boris Mutafelija
1 Complete the Storyboard This presentation uses a format derived from Beyond Bullet Points
2 Complete the Storyboard This presentation is structured using the 3 x 3 x 3 concept Call to Action 3 Key Points 3 Points of Explanation per Key Point 3 Details per Explanation Key Point Slide Expl. Slide Detail Slide
3 Complete the Storyboard We really need to learn how to give more effective presentations
4 SSCI Staff Complete the Storyboard SSCI staff develop presentations for marketing and technical topics Marketing to new members and clients Technical Briefings White Papers E-Learning Marketing to current members and clients Instructor- led Classes Presentation s
5 Complete the Storyboard Point A: Here is where we are
6 Complete the Storyboard Point B: Where we need to be
7 Complete the Storyboard Call to action!
8 There is a theory to good presentation design
9 Before PowerPoint, presentations were designed by graphic artists
10 In the old days, a presenter would collaborate with a designer
11 In 1987, PowerPoint created a revolution, making all of us presentation designers
12 We lacked the training and sensitivity in design and embraced text instead
13 Presenter-to- audience communication is not like a computer-to- computer channel
14 The success criterion is not to "transmit" all of the data in the PowerPoint slide
15 Presentation design needs to be sensitive to how the human brain works
16 Short-term memory can "hold" 3 things
17 Theory suggests several essential design factors for effective presentations
18 Decoupling the visual and verbal messages allows the eyes and ears to work together
19 Using a familiar design pattern - telling a story - enhances the audience's receptivity
20 Using the 3 x 3 x 3 structural model enhances audience retention