Software Update Takashi HACHIYA RIKEN
TaskList ItemsissuesDayspentstatus CNT+Clusterdefine output & its coding2 days3 dproceeding Debugging1w(+2w)0N/A Parameter tuning1s0N/A Refitting for mom.2wMove to Matt PrimVtxModify prim vtx output2d1dTerminated Hot&Dead in sim.Apply hot&dead2d Done ReactionPlaneDiscuss the class structure2d0dNot Start Yet Management issueUpdate tasklist in WIKI1d0dNot yet Maintain Task list0d AnalysisMeeting Helping1d/w PriVerSeedResolution is too small.0dNot Yet Dicussion w/ colorado3dBy tomorrow メジャーからマイナーまでいろいろと問題 ( 残件 ) があります。
Update on the DC+Cluster tracking Tracking code is made “SvxCentralTrackReco Define the output data – ClusterInfo is a subset of cluster information Variable array of clusters – Px’, Py’, Pz’ is the refined momentum (at first, DCH mom is just copied. Refine later) – VTXID: In multiple collision, VTXID shows which vtx does the track comes from. We need the new framework to store the multi-vertex position in an event, for especially p+p. Commit the Tracking code to the SVX library in the CVS by next Monday. – Process crach whenever the node is written out. – debugging. CNTID Vector Quality, Chi2/NDF DCA2D+error (X d, Y d, Z d ) Px’, Py’, Pz’(at first Px,y,z) VTXID SvxCentralTrack CNTID Px, Py, Pz … SvxCentralClusterID CNT Cross- reference 2011/11/8VTX software, Takashi HACHIYA3 ClusterInfo ClusterID xyz_global[3] size, xy_size[2], adc[2] Layer, ladder, sensor (char) Edgeflag, circumference, ambiguous
Reconstruction Flow PrimaryVTX is reconstructed using SATracks and VTX by clusters SvxCentralTrack uses : – CNTTrack – SvxCluster – PrimaryVTX KalmanFit refines the mom and DCA. – This might happen in Reco or Recal step. In Recal. step, SvxCentralTrack copys to the memory resident CNT. SvxOut is a copy of VtxOut – Avoiding the name confliction CNT reconstruction SATrack reconstruction Primary VTX SvxCentralTrack Refitting (KalmanFit) Central Reconstruction VTX Reconstruction 2011/11/8VTX software, Takashi HACHIYA4 SVX_DST CNT_DST PRDF CNT_DST CNT VtxOut- BBC SVX_DST Segments CentralTrack SvxOut BBC, Seed, PrimVtx
Data Flow in Analysis In analysis stage, – DST is merged on the memory – CNT is extended using CentralTrack. CNT_DST CNT VtxOut- BBC SVX_DST Segments CentralTrack SvxOut BBC, Seed,PrimVtx ExtractionModule Like Recal DST on MEM Extended CNT CNT CentralTrack VtxOut bbc,seed,Prim AnalysisModule
Discussion with Mike and Matt Flow of the DST production – Share the understanding. Output storage of the CentralTrack I/F for the vetoing the dead area in the pattern recognition. – Coding by Mike – Input Cluster position at First searching layer Momentum vector at the cluster – Output Projection point at next layer The area around the projection point on the sensor is alive or not