Sharmin Akter Anne Assistant Teacher Kayerpara Govt. Primary School Chowgacha,Jessore.
Identety of lesson Class:Two Subject:English Lesson unit:16 Lesson: (4-6)Colours Todays lesson:A Look,listen and say.
Students will be able to…. become familiar with English sounds by listening to common English words. repeat words phrases and sentences with proper sounds and stress. say words,phrases and sentences with proper sounds and stress. Students will be able to…. become familiar with English sounds by listening to common English words. repeat words phrases and sentences with proper sounds and stress. say words,phrases and sentences with proper sounds and stress.
Look and listen red greenorange yellow
Look and listen indigo violet blue
R orange Red yellow green blue indigo violet Listen and say
y e l l o w v i o l e t b l u e i n d i g o o r a n g e g r e e n r e d Listen, repeat again and again
Practice in chain drill red violet orange green yellow indigo blue
Which colours are there in the picture Group work Which colours are there in the picture G-1 G-3 G-2
Open your English book at page number 33 part A
Look and say the name of colours blue indigo green redviolet yellow orange
Match the words with colours indigo yellow green blue violet red
Thanks to all