The Age of Napoleon Chapter 3 Section 3
Question What are some good things the French Revolution accomplished up to this point?
A. The Rise of Napoleon 1.Military Successes Age 24, Brigadier General of the C.O.P.S. 1796, Commander of French forces in Italy, won many battles 2.Consul and Emperor 1799, Napoleon overthrew the Directory Set up the Consulate Napoleon was the Consul or ruler 1802, set himself up as Consul for life 1804, crowned himself emperor of France
B. Napoleon’s Domestic Policies 1.Peace With the Church Revolution had taken Catholic land and tried to de- Christianize France Most of France was Catholic a)1801, Napoleon makes an agreement with the Pope Catholicism allowed to be official religion of France Catholic Church not allowed to ask for land back
2.Codification of Laws Before Revolution, France had 300 different legal systems Napoleon wants to organize them and make them consistent a) Civil Code or Napoleonic Code Equality for all citizens Right of people to choose a profession Religious toleration Abolition of serfdom and feudal system b)Women’s Rights Diminished Civil code made it more difficult for a woman to get a divorce Women less than men No property rights
3.A New Bureaucracy Napoleon created a strong centralized gov’t Wanted capable officials in the gov’t Gov’t positions based on talent rather than social status a) Also created new Aristocrats Based on service to the nation Mostly military officers and middle class
4.Preserver of the Revolution? 4.Napoleon believed he had preserved the best parts of the Revolution 5.Good 4.All citizens equal b4 the law 5.Gov’t open to people based on talent, not nobility 6.Bad 4.Restricted Liberty 5.Shut down 60 of France’s 73 Newspapers 6.Gov’t police read people’s mail
5.Building the Empire Napoleon’s army called the Grand Army 1803, Napoleon is at war w/ Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden 1805, Napoleon defeats the Austrians, Prussians, and Germans Napoleon is now master of a large empire Divided into Dependent and Allied States Dependent – kingdoms ruled by Napoleon’s relatives Allied – states that Napoleon had defeated, then forced to join in the fight against Britain
6.Spreading the Principles of the Revolution Napoleon tried to spread ideas of French Revolution throughout his empire Legal equality, religious toleration, and economic freedom Tried to get rid of noble privileges throughout empire Caused an increase in Nationalism in defeated countries Extreme pride in nationality, culture, language, or religion Countries are going to unite against Napoleon
C. The European Response 1.Napoleon’s Empire Fails Two reason Napoleon’s empire doesn’t succeed: a)Napoleon never able to defeat Britain b)Rise of Nationalism in conquered countries 2.Britain 1.Napoleon tried to get all of his countries to exclude Britain from trade 2.Called the Continental System 3.Countries still traded with Britain 4.A sea power 5.Napoleon tried to invade in British navy defeated Napoleon at Trafalgar 3.Nationalism 1.Conquered countries united in their hatred of the invaders
D. The Fall of Napoleon 1.Disaster in Russia Napoleon attempts to invade Russia in June 1812 Grand Army of 600,000 soldiers invade Russians retreated for hundreds of miles, burning their own country to the ground Napoleon’s soldiers can’t find food or supplies Winter sets in When Napoleon reaches Moscow, it’s on fire Thousands of soldiers freeze or starve to death Napoleon begins his retreat Russians start attacking Jan, 1813, only 40,000 French make it out alive
Upon returning to France, the rest of Europe attacks a weakened French army Paris is captured and Napoleon is exiled to the island of Elba Europe then put Louis XVI’s brother on the throne of France King had little support of the people Napoleon sneaks back into France and rejoins with his army in 1815 All of Europe once again joined together and defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium Napoleon was then exiled to the island of St. Helena, where he died