And New Religions Emerge
Italian Renaissance Means Rebirth Decline of the Church The Inquisition Secularism Worldly View Separation of Church and State
Arts Leonardo Da Vinci Artist, Scientist Michelangelo Artist Raphael Artist They all emphasized individual ability All masters of the High Renaissance All used realism, humanism, and reverted back to Greek and Roman ideals.
Politics and Economy Milan Venice Florence (Borgia, Medici) Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince New political ideas and reforms
Humanism Revert back to Greek ideals Promoting free-thinkers Study of grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history
Need for Reform Corruption The Pope Secularization Separation of Church and State to boost reform
German Reformation Martin Luther German Reformer Lutheranism Spoke out against the Catholic Church 95 Theses Doctrine that outlined the Catholic Church’s wrong-doings Was nailed to almost every door in Germany
Catholic Church Indulgences Limitations of sins Could be bought Salvation Being ‘saved’ from your sins to reach Heaven More indulgences were bought
Protestant Reformation Ulrich Zwingli Radical reformer Worked with Martin Luther John Calvin Calvinism Predestination Predetermined King Henry VIII Separation from Roman Catholic Church and Pope Church of England Started because of divorce
Catholic Reformation Catholic Church gained new strength due to 3 areas of reform Ignatius of Loyola Jesuits Use of Education Reform of the Papacy Corruption stopped (Indulgences not sold) Council of Trent Decided to keep traditional Catholic values Unified under the Pope