Reward & recognition espresso session Thursday 22 October Rachel Mylrea
When was the last time your thanked someone or told them they were doing a great job?
Agenda Background – set the context Research Feedback & testing ideas Solutions
Performance Overview High Performance Leadership Behaviours Organisation Design Recruitment Talent Management Maximising Performance Reward & Recognition Learning & Development
Reward & Recognition 2020 Project aims - reward and recognise behaviours and performance which contribute to achieving the UWE Bristol strategy 2020.
Research 1.Academic and professional (e.g. CIPD) –Intrinsic v extrinsic rewards –Pay for performance –Total reward 2.HE Sector – similar to UWE 3.External – recognition schemes and staff awards
Defining reward and recognition In addition to pay, when we talk about reward and recognition, we also mean: Benefits (e.g. pensions, sick pay scheme, annual leave) Development and career opportunities (e.g. training, mentoring, coaching, promotion) Acknowledgement of performance (e.g. clarity around objectives, continuous feedback and acknowledgement, UWE staff awards) Work environment (e.g. flexibility, autonomy, challenging work) Wellness (e.g. Centre for Sport, Employee Assistance programme, Centre for Performing Arts)
Feedback Staff survey results and comments – Nov 14 Equality Engagement Event – February 15 Trades Unions – March 15 Reward and Recognition survey – over 400 comments Focus groups – 40 staff Staff voice group – 40 staff
Feedback from staff survey Staff Survey reward and recognition questions Sector benchmark UWEFacultiesServices I feel valued and recognised for the work I do 57% 53%60% Considering my duties and responsibilities, I think my pay is fair 46%52%48%56% Overall, I feel the University offers a good benefits package (e.g. pension, holidays, employee assistance and other benefits) 55%74%63%83% My manager recognises and acknowledges when I have done my job well 70%68%63%72%
What do people value Reward and recognition survey asked 4 questions: 1.What makes you feel valued and recognised for the work you do at UWE? 2.What more could the university do to make you feel valued for the work that you do? 3.What does your manager currently do to make you feel valued? 4.What more could your manager do? What do you think people said?
What people value
Focus groups Reward for performance bonuses, accelerated increments Recognition Staff solution scheme, recognition schemes, long service awards, training for managers Benefits flexible working, volunteering, salary sacrifice, staff discounts, selling the package Development time, budget and careers
Staff voice group Opportunities for development Training for managers Organisational / UWE Recognition Individual rewards Team based rewards Staff savings
Agreed recommendations Management Development Senior leadership behaviours & development programmeleadership behaviours Improved induction for managers and clarity of training Increased development options for managers e.g. bite size sessions on giving and receiving feedback, setting objectives – Sept 2015development Better guidance on running away days and team events – December 2015
Agreed recommendations Develop Better packaging of R&R options on webR&R Increase options for recognition of staff e.g. thank you cards, penny coffee. thank you cards Honorarium scheme – are you aware?Honorarium scheme Total reward calculator
Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Expiry Date Expiry Date xx.xx.15 Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee Penny Coffee
Agreed recommendations Review and improve Professorial merit pay Learning & Development strategy Clarity of budgets available for development Time available for development Staff Awards for 2016 – these will launch in November– how many of you nominated someone last year? Staff Awards
Comments/further thoughts? What will you do to reward and recognise your staff?