EKLAN at Marlborough Road How EYFS use ELKLAN in their everyday routines Claire Whitnall- EYFS teacher Cath Clarke- SENCO
ELKLAN Assessments Assess the children 3 times in the academic year Blank levels are used to help stream the children – ‘reading weeks’ We plan base times around the gaps the children displayed in assessments 5 members of staff- split the children 5 ways
ELKLAN in Reading Weeks Choose a story to match children's current interest We read this story and ask children relevant questions and teach new skills to help them progress
ELKLAN in Reading JK/AS- Warm Up- What do we use a fork/knife/chair/bed etc for? Can chd respond with the correct action word? Adult to ask the chd if they remember what the story was about yesterday? The gingerbread man. Adult to ask the chd ‘WHO did we meet in the story?’ Can the chd remember the characters that they met? Adult to put the matching picture card in the middle of the circle once the chd say it. Adult to then go through each charcters asking the chd WHAT did they do in the story. Can the chd tell you anything that fox did ‘he ate the gingerbread man’ old lady ‘chased them’ etc. Can the chd answer who and what questions correctly. AS- WHAT happened in the story? Extd reading the story as a picture walkthrough- WHAT happened next. KR/CW- Warm Up- Things that go together- can chd match cutlery, plates, paper, pencils, etc Adult to tell the chd that today we are going to follow directions. Adult to briefly explain what directions mean. KR to make a maze with masking tape/CW to use the maze outdoors. Adult to have a fox in the middle of the maze. Tell the chd they need to follow what the adult says to reach the fox. Adult to line chd up and line up with them ‘lets walk two steps forward’ ‘lets turn’ etc. Adult to then sit the chd around the maze and invite chd to come and follow directions off the adult. Can the chd understand the directions and carry them out correctly? Can the chd think of any other ways to tell their friends to move? Etc FH- Warm Up Can you give me another word for....nice? Adult to tell the chd that they are going to think of problem solving. Adult to do a picture walkthrough of the book -Adult to ask chd tothink about any problems that happened during the story. Adult to tell the chd to shout pause when they think a character in the story encounters a problem. EG The gingerbread man escaped....what could the old lady have done to stop him escaping? What could she do...adult to scribe chd ideas on a mind map. Adult to discuss and enc the chd to build on their ideas and give explanations why they think that would solve the problem. Once one problem has been solved adult to continue the picture walkthrough until another problem occurs..can the chd shout pause and explain the problem they see?. Adult to record chd comments onto a mind map.
ELKLAN in Reading U Understands who, what and where in simple questions U Begins to understand why and how questions U Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion S links statements and sticks to a main theme or intention PAST OBJECTIVES 40-60R- uses voacabulary and speech that are influenced by their experiences of books 40-60U- Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversations and discussions 30-50R- begins to be aware of how stories are structured 22-36U- Understands who/what/where R- Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall
ELKLAN in Reading Whilst planning we have the Blank Levels and gaps to look at- from assessments both in TALC and children’s tracker assessments Link to objectives within Development Matters- Particularly in understanding, speaking and reading We do challenge our children to achieve the next stage with careful questioning and build up their book and reading skills to match DM ‘Warm Ups’ to target specific gaps such as ‘what goes together/ what do we use...’ Etc
ELKLAN in provision.
ELKLAN in provision We have the blank level question prompts in all areas of the unit. They are used by the adults to help challenge children’s understanding in their play. We also do follow the other ELKLAN recommendation of 5 to 1. We don’t bombard them with questions all the time
Benefits Children are making good or better progress Teaching- pitch is correct, personalised learning, keeps the children engaged Builds up vocabulary Adults are aware of the types of questions to use for all children Suits our setting- ESLE, EAL, mobility we always have groups to match any new intake
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