Industrial America
The United States will transform its economy after the Civil War Factories, manufacturing, large-scale agriculture and big business will replace the old economy This will create vast wealth for some, and devastating poverty for others
Industrial America The economy will expand through new business practices Corporation- a business formed by many people to limit liability
Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made
Henry Bessemer
The Bessemer Process
Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb
Thomas Edison and the Light Bulb
Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone
Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone The Wright Brothers- the airplane
The Wright Brothers and the Airplane
Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone The Wright Brothers- the airplane Henry Ford- the assembly line
Assembly Line at Ford Plant
Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel
Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- financier
J.P. Morgan
Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- Financier John D. Rockefeller- Oil
John D. Rockefeller
Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- Financier John D. Rockefeller- Oil Cornelius Vanderbilt- Railroad Tycoon
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Industrial America The United States government rarely interfered with large corporations –Land grants –Railroad Builders Laissez Faire- economy where government does not get in the way of capitalism Immigration will give big business a never ending supply of cheap labor The United States will enter the 1900s as a industrial and technological leader