Getting Started as a Translator LC525 Mary Phelan
How much is the Translation market worth? How much is spent on Translation in Ireland? How much is paid to translators living abroad?
The Irish Language Official Languages Act 2003
Official Languages Act 2003 and public bodies 9. —(1) The Minister may by regulations provide that oral announcements (whether live or recorded) made by a public body, the headings of stationery used by a public body and the contents and the lay-out of any signage or advertisements placed by it shall, to such extent as may be specified, be in the Irish language or in the English and Irish languages and different provisions may be made in relation to different classes of body, oral announcements, stationery, signage or advertisements. (2) Where a person communicates in writing or by electronic mail in an official language with a public body, the public body shall reply in the same language. (3) Where a public body communicates in writing or by electronic mail with the general public or a class of the general public for the purpose of furnishing information to the public or the class, the body shall ensure that the communication is in the Irish language or in the English and Irish languages.
Irish Language and Public Bodies Official Languages Act —Notwithstanding any other enactment, the following documents made by or under the authority of a public body (other than a body, organisation or group standing prescribed pursuant to regulations for the purposes of clause (b) of paragraph 1(5) of the First Schedule) shall be published by that body in each of the official languages simultaneously: (a) any document setting out public policy proposals; (b) any annual report; (c) any audited account or financial statement; (d) any statement of strategy required to be prepared under section 5 of the Public Service Management Act 1997 ; and (e) any document of a description or class standing prescribed for the time being, with the consent of the Minister for Finance and such other (if any) Minister of the Government as the Minister considers appropriate having regard to the functions of that other Minister of the Government, and being a document of a description or class that is, in the opinion of the Minister, of major public importance.section 5 of the Public Service Management Act 1997 Dept of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs spent €300,000 on translating county development plans into Irish (Dáil question November 2010)
Foras na Gaeilge
Foras na Gaeilge test Accredited translators
The options Abandon translation Intern Freelance translator for agencies Work with direct clients Fulltime job with a company Jobs with EU/UN etc.
Getting Started Okay, you have a qualification, but you need five years’ experience before we give you work
Volunteer Translating
Volunteer Translation
Total revenue at Google rose 17 percent to $6.67 billion in 2010 (Reuters)
icle366.htm - article on volunteer translating icle366.htm
Translation agencies in Ireland
Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association ITIA, founded 1987 Executive committee Membership categories: Associate Professional Professional + certified status Corporate
ITIA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Events Submissions ITIA Bulletin Translation Ireland