Noun suffixes Verb+suffix VerbSuffixNoun Improve (=get better)- mentimprovement Manage (e.g. a shop or business)-mentmanagement Elect (=choose somebody by voting)-ionelection Discuss (=talk about something seriously) -iondiscussion Inform(=tell someone something)-ationinformation Organize-ationorganisation Spell (e.g. S-P-E-L-L)-ingspelling Jog (-running to keep fit or for pleasure) -ingjogging
adjective+suffix AdjectiveSuffixNoun Weak (≠strong)-nessweakness Happy-nesshappiness Dark (e.g. at night, when you can’t see) -nessdarkness Stupid (≠ intelligent, clever)-itystupidity Punctual (= always arrives at the right time) -itypunctuality Similar (= almost the same; ≠ different) -itysimilarity
These are common noun suffixes added to existing nouns or verbs, and they describe people and their jobs. -er -or-ist dancerdriveractorartist singermanagerdirectoreconomist murdererfootballertranslatorpsychologist farmeremployeroperatorjournalist
Complete the tables and mark the stress on each word. VerbNoun educate improve jog spell hesitate arrange AdjectiveNoun stupid dark weak similar punctual sad popular
EXAMPLE: FARM – FARMER Write down the name of the person who does these things 1Act_______________ 2Employ____________ 3Football____________ 4Sing_______________ 5Murder____________ 6Psychology__________ 7Economics__________ 8Translate___________ 9Manage____________