“Calvin and Hobbes”
1. On your paper, jot down two examples of when you will need to use EVIDENCE in your future jobs/studies (for example= evidence of skills in a resume)
AECAEC Evidence in English Class: ▧ SPECIFIC examples from a text ▧ QUOTATIONS with correct citations ▧ MLA (what is that??)
Good or Bad Evidence : You Decide Assertion: Although Okonkwo blames his chi, his own actions cause his unhappiness in Things Fall Apart. Evidence: ▧ Okonkwo beats his wives when he is angry. ▧ The missionaries decide to settle among the villagers. ▧ Okonkwo expects Nwoye to be like him. He wonders how he could have “begotten a son like Nwoye, degenerate and effeminate” (153). ▧ In chapter fourteen, Okonkwo moves his family to Mbanta. ▧ Okonkwo’s gun accidentally explodes, killing a village boy. ▧ Okonkwo is married to three wives..
“ Citations
KEY CONCEPT Colleges and businesses take plagiarism very seriously. Thanks to the internet, it is easy to plagiarize, but it is also very easy to CITE. !
In-text (Rowling 129) 11. Correct Citations have TWO Parts: Works Cited Tan, Amy. Saving Fish from Drowning. New York: Putnam, Print. How would you cite Things Fall Apart?
Do you need both? YES Do you need to cite every time?
In-text: (Achebe 17). For example: After the death of Ikemefuna, Okonkwo does “not taste any food for two days” (Achebe 63). Works Cited page: Last name, First name. Title. City: Publisher, Year. Print. Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor Books, Print. Things Fall Apart
(author page) 111. NOTICE! end quotation marks period ” (Achebe 63).
Your Turn: In your groups, use Purdue OWL, Plagiarism.com, or the manual to identify how to cite the following: Group 1: ▧ In-text: Two works by the same author ▧ In-text: Four or more authors of a single work ▧ Work Cited: author with a translator ▧ Work Cited: only editor, no author Group 2: ▧ In-text: unknown author ▧ In-text: lines from a poem ▧ Work Cited: Work in an anthology ▧ Work Cited: article in an online magazine/news- paper Group 3: ▧ In-text: verse from a play ▧ Work Cited: Multiple authors ▧ Work Cited: magazine article ▧ Work Cited: a forward or introduction
Questions? The internet is a valuable resource: Purdue Online Writing Lab Plagiarism.org Write these down!