GEOGRAPHY “B”Practice ROUND 1 U.S. Geography and U.S. Cities
1. Which state has a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean-North Carolina or Wyoming? North Carolina
2. Which city lies at the head of Narragansett Bay-Providence, Rhode Island, or Rochester, New York? Providence, Rhode Island
3. Which city is located just inland from a chain of barrier islands known as the Sea Islands-Savannah, Georgia, or Huntington, West Virginia? Savannah, Georgia
4. Which city is closer to Niagara Falls- Detroit, Michigan, or Buffalo, New York? Buffalo, New York
5. The Big Sandy River forms part of the border between West Virginia and which state Iowa or Kentucky? Kentucky
6. North Cascades National Park is located on the border of British Columbia and which state-Tennessee or Washington? Washington
7. Which city shares its name with a Missouri city located just across the state boundary Kansas City, Kansas, or Birmingham, Alabama? Kansas City, Kansas
8. Which city lies on the Rio Grande-El Paso, Texas, or Tucson, Arizona? EI Paso, Texas
9. Which state extends past the 180th meridian into the Eastern Hemisphere-Alaska or Kansas? Alaska
10. Which state has a longer border with Canada-North Dakota or New Hampshire? North Dakota
11. Which city is located on the western edge of the Great Basin-Reno, Nevada, or Denver, Colorado? Reno, Nevada
12. Which city lies on the Ozark Plateau- Shreveport, Louisiana, or Springfield, Missouri? Springfield, Missouri
13. Which state produces more cotton- Mississippi or Maine? Mississippi
14. Which state borders the Great Lakes-Ohio or South Dakota? Ohio
15. Which city is located southwest of the Appalachian Mountains-Jackson, Mississippi, or Wilmington, North Carolina? Jackson, Mississippi
16. Which city is located farther north- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, or Augusta, Maine? Augusta, Maine
17. The Big Sur region is located along the Pacific coast of which state-New Jersey or California? California
18. Which state has more farmland-Nevada or Kansas? Kansas
19. Which state is located farther north- Maryland or New Mexico? Maryland ____________ ______
20. Which city is considered St. Paul's twin- Minneapolis, Minnesota, or Milwaukee, Wisconsin? Minneapolis, Minnesota
21. Which city receives more annual precipitation on average-Bismarck, North Dakota, or Columbia, South Carolina? Columbia, South Carolina
22. The Sabine [suh-BEAN] River forms part of the border between Texas and which state Oregon or Louisiana? Louisiana
23.Which city is located in the Williamette Valley- Salem, Oregon, or Lincoln, Nevada? Salem, Oregon
24. The Oregon Trail ran alongside the Platte River in which present-day state-Nebraska or South Carolina? Nebraska NEBRASKA
25. Which state has more acres of cropland- Iowa or Connecticut? Iowa IOWA
26.Which city is located closer to Channel Islands National Park- Los Angeles, California, or Norfolk, Virginia? Los Angeles, California
27. Which city is located closer to the Mississippi River Delta-New Orleans, Louisiana, or Jacksonville, Florida? New Orleans, Louisiana
28. International Falls, a city that frequently has some of the coldest winter temperatures in the contiguous 48 states, is located in which state-Oregon or Minnesota? Minnesota
29. The Gila [HEE-luh] CliffDwellings are located southwest of Albuquerque in which state-Rhode Island or New Mexico? New Mexico
30. Which city is located in the Allegheny Mountains-Augusta, Georgia, or Altoona, Pennsylvania? Altoona, Pennsylvania
31. Which city is located immediately east of Pikes Peak-Colorado Springs, Colorado, or Boise, Idaho? Colorado Springs, Colorado