UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life: A first report from the UK Inquiry Michele Lee Inquiry Project Manager, Age Concern England Sure Start to Later Life Conference 27 July 2006
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life About the Inquiry Set up by Age Concern and the Mental Health Foundation in late 2003 Aims to raise awareness of this much neglected issue, influence policy and improve services Led by an independent board, Government participants and advisory group Working in two stages
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Stage 1 report – Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Published June 2006 Based on older people’s views and experiences 5 key themes 15 recommendations Will audit responses and report on progress
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Key messages Older people are often excluded from mental health promotion programmes Programmes to promote good health in later life tend to focus on physical health Mental health problems are not an inevitable part of growing older - but will affect more people if action is not taken Local action will make the most difference –Local authorities –Community development –Families
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life 5 key themes 1.Discrimination 2.Participation 3.Relationships 4.Physical health 5.Poverty
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Theme 1: Discrimination Age discrimination has a negative effect on older people’s mental health and well- being “It is upsetting to feel like a second class citizen because I am above retirement age.” - Ms A, retired charity worker, aged 71 Action is needed at many different levels: legislation, staff education and training, media portrayals, families, older people themselves
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Theme 2: Participation Older people want to make contributions to society and be recognised for them “What makes things worse is not having a sense of belonging. There needs to be a role for older people in society.” - Mr D, consultant, aged 62 Choice about when to retire is key Public bodies should lead the way in removing barriers to participation
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Theme 3: Relationships “The main thing is love. Food, shelter and warmth are important but it’s lack of someone caring that leads to despair. ” - Ms A, retired charity worker, aged 71 Family can have positive and negative effects Pets are important So is mixing with people of all ages Action is needed to promote social interaction and tackle isolation, loneliness, abuse and violence
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Theme 4: Physical health Older people talk about health in an integrated way – physical and mental Physical activity is very important “Your health, or lack of it, is bound to affect your outlook. Physical activity, no matter to what degree, is very important to mental health.” - Mr C, retired salesman, aged 63 A good diet is also important
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Theme 5: Poverty Worries about the future make things worse “[What makes things worse is] worrying about where money will come from when I stop working.” - Mrs H, senior lecturer, aged 57 So does not being able to provide for others “What makes things worse is not being able to help my grandchild financially.” - Mr B, retired actor, age unknown Action is needed to end pensioner poverty and to provide security for future generations
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Recommendations Local authorities –Establish healthy ageing programmes in partnership with other agencies –Identify funding for and support community-based projects Central Government Government departments Public bodies Voluntary organisations
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life What next? Dissemination We welcome your responses Will audit and report on progress Examples of good practice Possible conference in the autumn Influencing
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life Stage 2 Report due in 2007 Gathering evidence –From older people and carers –From organisations and professionals Policy and economic analysis Examples of good practice Early influencing –To stimulate ongoing work!
UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Well-Being in Later Life For more information Michele Lee Inquiry Project Manager Tel: Website: