Retail Pro A Comprehensive Retail Management System Ankur Bansal CS 491 B
Overview Abstract Motivation Tools/Technologies Used System Architecture Project Workflow Project Demo
Abstract Retail Pro is a comprehensive retail management system made for a home décor company having multiple stores. It provides a computerized solution to basic company operations like inventory accounting, introducing sales, maintaining records and data. A Point of sale system is also included to accommodate store Operations It can not rival big commercial solutions, target is to provide a small, inexpensive, customized solution with basic functionalities
Motivation My interest in business management. Working on a project for a real life business scenario would give me an opportunity to learn both software and business together. A cousin is working on a business project, starting a similar company, so it might serve as temporary working solution for his company.
Tools/Technologies Used Apache Tomcat Web server JSP, Servlets HTML, CSS MySQL database
System Architecture
Project Workflow
Purchase Module Manages three different kind of data – Vendors – Categories – Items Generates and keeps track of Purchase Orders
Store Module Takes Care of functions at store Includes a Point-Of-Sale system (Cash Register) Manages store and central inventory Takes care of payments details and sales records
Sales Module Introduce different types of discount sales Discount by fixed price(Discount by dollar) Discount by percentage Discount by pair Keep Track of sales of different items/Categories Generates Graphs for weekly/Monthly/Yearly sales data.
Summary of work since Mid-Term Sales department’s pages Ability to create a discount season for example Christmas discount sales etc Introducing discounts on items or categories Integrating cash registers to calculate discounts and manipulate sales accordingly Generating graphs of sales data.
Conclusions System is sufficient to do most of the critical company functions. Most of the Features decided at start of project were implemented Implemented Modules needs refining and proper testing. Despite of some loopholes, its a functionally sufficient system that could actually be used in real world. Personally, this project gave me experience of Independent project handling and management.