International Atomic Energy Agency V. Nys Definition and practical application of demonstration of operational and long-term safety for predisposal RWM facilities Vienna 28 sept – 2 Oct 2015 Definition and practical application of demonstration of operational and long-term safety for predisposal RWM facilities V. Nys Definition and practical application of demonstration of operational and long-term safety for predisposal RWM facilities Vienna 28 sept – 2 Oct 2015
International Atomic Energy Agency Outline of the Presentation Definition Safety Case & Safety Arguments General Safety Requirements Interdependency Management System Characterization & Classification Safety Case (preparation, scope, documentation and review) Summary 2
International Atomic Energy Agency Definition
International Atomic Energy Agency 4 Predisposal. Any waste management steps carried out prior to disposal such as pretreatment, treatment, conditioning, storage and transport activities. Predisposal is used as a contraction of ‘pre-disposal radioactive waste management’, not a form of disposal. PredisposalDisposal Storage The holding of radioactive sources, spent fuel or radioactive waste in a facility that provides for their/its containment, with the intention of retrieval. Disposal Emplacement of waste in an appropriate facility without the intention of retrieval. Processing. Any operation that changes the characteristics of waste, including pretreatment, treatment and conditioning. Processingtransport Pre-treatment Treatment Treatment. Operations intended to benefit safety and/or economy by changing the characteristics of the waste. Three basic treatment objectives are: (a) Volume reduction; (b) Removal of radionuclides from the waste; (c) Change of composition. Treatment may result in an appropriate waste form. Conditioning Conditioning. Those operations that produce a waste package suitable for handling, transport, storage and/or disposal. Conditioning may include the conversion of the waste to a solid waste form, enclosure of the waste in containers and, if necessary, provision of an overpack.
International Atomic Energy Agency 5 Pretreatment: -Reduces amount of waste subject to further processing or disposal; -Adjust characteristics to make waste more suitable to plans for additional processing and disposal. Treatment: -Enhance safety in the short-term by making immediate improvements in characteristics; -Part of longer-term steps towards safe predisposal management; -Fit within overall plan considering interdependences Supercompactor Waste Management
International Atomic Energy Agency 6 Conditioning: – Produce a solid waste form compatible with handling, transport, storage and disposal plans; – Solidification media may be added; – Waste packaging suitable for normal and accident conditions. Cemented RAW Waste Management
International Atomic Energy Agency 7 Storage: -During predisposal steps, storage may be necessary; -Storage may be used to allow decay prior to authorized discharge, use, clearance, or eventual disposal; -Storage can occur in many forms and any stage of predisposal (e.g., raw, treated, conditioned). Gorleben RAW store Storage chamber for used sources (Richard repository) Waste Management
International Atomic Energy Agency 8 Waste packages and unpackaged waste that are accepted for processing, storage and/or disposal shall conform to criteria that are consistent with the safety case Waste Management
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Case & Safety Arguments
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Case The safety case is the collection of scientific, technical, administrative and managerial arguments and evidence in support of the safety of a waste management facility or activity, Content: The safety case arguments cover the suitability of the site and location and the design, construction and operation of the facility, the assessment of radiation risks and assurance of the adequacy and quality of all of the safety related work associated with the facility or activity. Step-by-Step: The safety case provides the basis for safety decisions with respect to siting and location, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of a facility, including for the justification of changes with a significant impact on safety.
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Limits, controls and conditions Safety Case Arguments Management System How Safety Case Arguments interact together?
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Limits, controls and conditions Safety Case Arguments Management System These two sets of arguments should be applied whatever the safety case argument considered or under development
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Limits, controls and conditions Safety Case Arguments Management System
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Limits, controls and conditions Safety Case Arguments Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Management System
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Limits, controls and conditions Safety Case Arguments Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Management System Before any development, the safety case context has to be set and the safety strategy has to be known
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Safety Case Arguments Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Management System
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Safety Case Arguments Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Management System Limits, controls and conditions Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment System Description Having the context and the strategy, the next one should be the “System description”
International Atomic Energy Agency Based on the safety Assessment, Limits, Controls and Conditions could be established Safety Case Context Safety Strategy Safety Case Arguments Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Management System System Description Safety Assessment Having the safety concept, deriving from the site, the waste characteristics and from the strategy, safety assessment could be performed Limits, controls and conditions From the safety assessment and from the limits, controls and conditions, a proposal of integration of the safety arguments could be performed Integration of Safety Arguments
International Atomic Energy Agency This way of structuring the relationship between the safety case components we call it “safety approach” This safety approach could be organized as followed:
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case ContextSafety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Limits, controls and conditions Management System Ieration & Design Optimisation Management of Uncertainties
International Atomic Energy Agency System Description Safety Case ContextSafety Strategy Integration of Safety Arguments Safety Assessment Stakeholder & Regulatory Involvement Limits, controls and conditions Management System Ieration & Design Optimisation Management of Uncertainties
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Safety Case and Safety Assessment: main figure
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Assessment Aspects
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Safety Standards 25 SF1: Fundamentals safety principles GSR 5: Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste GSG-1: Classification of Radioactive Waste SSR-5: Disposal of Radioactive Waste
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Safety Standards (cont.) 26 √ √ √ √ √
International Atomic Energy Agency General safety requirements 27
International Atomic Energy Agency General safety requirements (cont.) Responsibilities associated with the predisposal management of RW Requirements 1 – 7 Steps in the predisposal management of RW Requirements 8 – 12 Development and operation of predisposal RW management facilities and activities Requirements 13 – 22 28
International Atomic Energy Agency Responsibilities associated with the predisposal management of RW LEGAL, REGULATORY AND POLICY FRAMEWORK: Requirement 1: Legal and regulatory framework; Requirement 2: National policy and strategy on RW management; Requirement 3: Responsibilities of the regulatory body. OPERATORS: Requirement 4: Responsibilities of the operator. INTEGRATED APPROACH TO SAFETY: Requirement 5: Requirements in respect of security measures; Requirement 6: Interdependences; Requirement 7: Management systems. 30
International Atomic Energy Agency Integrated Approach to Safety Requirement 6: Interdependencies Interdependences among all steps in the predisposal management of RW, as well as the impact of the anticipated disposal option, shall be appropriately taken into account. 31
International Atomic Energy Agency Integrated Approach to Safety (cont.) Requirement 6: Interdependencies (cont.) It is particularly important to consider the established acceptance criteria for disposal of the waste or the criteria that are anticipated for the most probable disposal option; It is not consistent with an integrated approach to optimize one step in the predisposal management of RW in such a way that it imposes significant constraints on the subsequent steps or forecloses viable options. 32
International Atomic Energy Agency Raw Waste DISPOSAL Pre- conditioning Final conditioning Storage Raw Waste DISPOSAL Final conditioning Storage These criteria must not interfere with the further steps in the waste management scheme. Waste must be in a form that is compatible or can be made compatible with its disposal requirements. Two cases: WAC for the repository exist or at least have been drafted WAC have not yet been defined Relation between conditioning, storage and disposal steps INTERDEPENDENCIES
International Atomic Energy Agency Responsibilities associated with the predisposal management of RW LEGAL, REGULATORY AND POLICY FRAMEWORK: Requirement 1: Legal and regulatory framework; Requirement 2: National policy and strategy on RW management; Requirement 3: Responsibilities of the regulatory body. OPERATORS: Requirement 4: Responsibilities of the operator. INTEGRATED APPROACH TO SAFETY: Requirement 5: Requirements in respect of security measures; Requirement 6: Interdependences; Requirement 7: Management systems. 34
International Atomic Energy Agency Management System Requirement 7: Management Systems Management systems shall be applied for all steps and elements of the predisposal management of RW; Features that are important to safe operation, and that are considered in the management system, are to be identified on the basis of the safety case and the assessment of environmental impacts. 35
International Atomic Energy Agency Steps in the predisposal management of RW GENERATION OF RW Requirement 8: RW generation and control; Requirement 9: Characterization and classification of RW; PROCESSING OF RW Requirement 10: Processing of RW; STORAGE OF RW Requirement 11: Storage of RW; RW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Requirement 12: RW acceptance criteria. 37
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 8: RW Generation and Control All radioactive waste shall be identified and controlled. Radioactive waste arising shall be kept to the minimum practicable; Reduce waste generation - volume and radioactivity content has to be considered before the construction of a facility, beginning with the design phase, and throughout the lifetime of the facility; Reuse and recycling; Authorized discharge of effluent, clearance of materials in compliance with conditions and criteria established by the regulatory body; Ensure due consideration to non-radiological hazards. 38
International Atomic Energy Agency Steps in the predisposal management of RW GENERATION OF RW Requirement 8: RW generation and control; Requirement 9: Characterization and classification of RW; PROCESSING OF RW Requirement 10: Processing of RW; STORAGE OF RW Requirement 11: Storage of RW; RW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Requirement 12: RW acceptance criteria. 39
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 12: Waste Acceptance Criteria Waste packages and unpackaged waste that are accepted for processing, storage and/or disposal shall conform to criteria consistent with the safety case. WAC are essential for the safe handling and storage of waste during normal operation, ensuring safety during possible accidents, and long term safety during subsequent disposal; WAC specify the radiological, mechanical, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the waste package and unpackaged waste; Provisions for managing waste that fails to meet WAC (e.g., remedial actions or return of waste). 40
International Atomic Energy Agency Development and Operation of predisposal RW management Facilities and Activities APPROACH TO SAFETY: Requirement 13: Preparation of the SC and supporting SA; Requirement 14: Scope of the SC and supporting SA; Requirement 15: Documentation of the SC and supporting SA; Requirement 16: Periodic safety reviews. Others Requirement 17: Location and design of facilities; Requirement 18: Construction and commissioning of facilities; Requirement 19: Facility operation; Requirement 20: Shutdown and decommissioning of facilities; Requirement 21: System for accounting for and control of nuclear material; Requirement 22: Existing facilities. 42
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 13: Preparation of the Safety Case and Safety Assessment The operator shall prepare a safety case and a supporting safety assessment. SC has to be prepared early in the development of the facility as a basis for regulatory decision making and approval; SC has to be progressively developed and refined as the project proceeds; It is the operator’s is responsibility to compile the SA in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory body. 43
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 13: Preparation of the Safety Case and Safety Assessment (cont.) In the case of a step by step development, or in the event of modification of the facility or activity, the safety case and its supporting safety assessment shall be reviewed and updated as necessary. That ensures quality of technical program and the associated decision making and; Provides a framework in which confidence in the technical feasibility and safety of the facility can be established at each stage of its development. 44
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 14: Scope of the Safety Case and Safety Assessment The SC shall include a description of how all the safety aspects of the facility and managerial controls satisfy regulatory requirements. This include aspects of the site, the design, operation, shutdown and decommissioning of the facility, and the managerial controls. The SC/SA shall demonstrate the level of protection provided and shall provide assurance to the regulatory body that safety requirements will be met. Identifies waste arising, establishes program to minimize generation of RW; Determines design and operational basis for: Treatment of effluents; Control of discharges; Clearance procedures. Address operational safety and all safety aspects of the facility and activities; 45
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 15: Documentation of Safety Case and Safety Assessment The SC/SA shall be documented at a level of detail and to a quality sufficient: to demonstrate safety, to support the decision at each stage, and to allow for the independent review and approval of the safety case and safety assessment 46
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 15: Documentation of Safety Case and Safety Assessment The documentation shall be clearly written and shall include arguments justifying approaches taken on the basis of information that is traceable. Justification: explaining choices, stating arguments for/against decisions made (especially main approaches taken in SC); Traceability: ability to follow information that is provided in the documentation and used in developing the SC; Clarity: good structure, presentation allows for understanding of the safety arguments and their bases. 47
International Atomic Energy Agency Requirement 16: Periodic Safety Reviews The operator shall carry out periodic safety reviews and shall implement any safety upgrades required by the regulatory body following this review. The results of the periodic safety review shall be reflected in the updated version of the SC. 48
International Atomic Energy Agency 50
International Atomic Energy Agency
International legal instruments52/39