OThree Chemistry Refinement of the Sept ‘00 Modeling Episode: Part I--Status of Current Simulation Central California Ozone Study: Modeling Support for Sept ’00 Episode Kickoff Meeting Sacramento, CA T. W. Tesche Dennis McNally 24 October 2003
OThree Chemistry Part I Presentation Overview Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone Fields EPA Statistical Performance Summary Time Series of 1-hr Ozone Spatial Means, Bias, Error Scatter Plots and Q-Q Distributions Ozone Time Series at Key SJV Monitors
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 16 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 17 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 18 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 19 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 20 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone: 16 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone: 17 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone: 18 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone: 19 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 8-hr Ozone: 20 Sept ‘03
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 17 Sept ‘00
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 18 Sept ‘00
OThree Chemistry Daily Maximum 1-hr Ozone: 19 Sept ‘00
OThree Chemistry Spatial Mean 1-hr Ozone Time Series
OThree Chemistry Diurnal 1-hr Ozone Bias Time Series
OThree Chemistry Diurnal 1-hr Ozone Gross Error Time Series
OThree Chemistry Ozone Time Series at the Kern-Johnson Monitor (Med 122)
OThree Chemistry Ozone Time Series at the Fresno-9240 Monitor (Med 126)
OThree Chemistry Ozone Time Series at the Kern Monitor (Med 113)
OThree Chemistry Scatter and Q-Q Plots on 17 Sept ‘00 Quantile-Quantile PlotDaily Max Scatter Plot
OThree Chemistry Scatter and Q-Q Plots on 18 Sept ‘00 Quantile-Quantile PlotDaily Max Scatter Plot
OThree Chemistry Scatter and Q-Q Plots on 19 Sept ‘00 Quantile-Quantile PlotDaily Max Scatter Plot
OThree Chemistry Daily Performance Statistics for the Sep ’00 Episode
OThree Chemistry Bias in 1-hr Ozone: Sept ‘00 EPA Performance Goal for Bias: < + 15%
OThree Chemistry Gross Error in 1-hr Ozone: Sept ‘00 EPA Performance Goal for Gross Error: < 35%
OThree Chemistry Accuracy of Peak 1-hr Prediction Sept ‘00 EPA Performance Goal for Peak Unpaired Accuracy: < + 20%
OThree Chemistry Initial Questions and Potential Diagnostic Analyses Duration of spin-up (is 18 hr spin-up sufficient?) Model sensitivity to ICs/BCs (use of GEOCHEM global model boundary conditions?) Effects of temperature bias on biogenic/MV emissions and chemistry reactions Adequacy of vertical diffusivities Adequacy of diurnal PBL height estimates Systematic biases in biogenic/MV emissions