The Olympian Gods. Where in the world is Olympus? Home of the gods A real mountain Gates guarded by the Seasons.


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Presentation transcript:

The Olympian Gods

Where in the world is Olympus? Home of the gods A real mountain Gates guarded by the Seasons

Who Were They? Twelve Olympian Gods (some accounts list thirteen) Children of Cronos and Rhea (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia) Children of Zeus: Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite

First Among Equals Zeus was the king of the gods. He was a ladies’ man who could be gentle and caring, but also wrathful. He sat on the highest throne with a bucketful of thunderbolts. Symbols: lightening bolt, eagle, scepter Roman names: Jupiter and Jove

It’s hot as Hades down here! Roman name: Pluto Brother of Zeus Symbols: helmet of invisibility, cornucopia, and scepter God of the underworld and the ruler of the dead. Very wealthy. Rarely visited Olympus. Married to Persephone (Prosperine)

Next: Neptune Greek name: Poseidon God of ocean and earthquakes Symbols: trident made by his nephew, Hephaestus, and the fish. Didn’t mix with mortals. Anti-social.

Here’s Hera Wife of Zeus Goddess of marriage Jealous, vain, and sometimes cruel Roman name: Juno Symbol: peacock

Athena Roman name: Minerva Daughter of Zeus – sprang out of his head Goddess of wisdom and war One of the three virgin goddesses Bird: owl Symbols: helmet and shield, spear

Apollo Roman name: Apollo! God of the sun, poetry, music, and medicine Famous for oracles Proud, protective of mother and sister Symbols: carries gold bow and arrows; appears gold and shining; wears a laurel wreath in memory of Daphne; raven

Artemis Roman name: Diana Goddess of hunting, chastity, and the moon One of the three virgin goddesses Protects women and small children She is fiercely independent and particularly dislikes men She is seen accompanied by three hunting hounds, a bow, and a fawn. Symbols: the bow and arrow, the moon

Ares Roman name: Mars God of war - will fight on both sides, if possible Young, strong, handsome, likes to dress in battle clothes Symbols: the vulture, the dog

A Face Even a Mother Couldn’t Love: Hephaestus Roman name: Vulcan God of fire and smithwork Son of Zeus and Hera Only god with a handicap Married to Aphrodite Symbols: axe and tongs

Aphrodite Roman name: Venus Goddess of love and beauty Born out of the sea foam Wife of Hephaestus, mother of Eros Irresistibly charming, fickle, vain, competitive Symbol: golden girdle and mirror

Hermes Roman name: Mercury Son of Zeus and Titaness Maia, messenger of the gods God of science and invention Escorts the souls of the dead to the river Styx Quick-witted, energetic, mischievous Symbols: winged feet and helmet

Hestia: Hearth and Home Roman name: Vesta Zeus’s sister Well-loved Protective, gentle, kind One of the three virgin goddesses

Demeter Roman name: Ceres Zeus’s sister Goddess of the harvest, grain, and agriculture Very protective of her daughter, Persephone Symbols: in art, she is often shown carrying a sheaf of grain

Evelyn de Morgan’s Demeter Morning for Persephone