Youth University at Brock University Community, Character, & Curiosity
Who Are We? Brock University Spring Educational Camps are part of Youth University at Brock Youth University is a premier educational resource for pre- university aged Ontario youth Foster 3 Key Values: Character, Community, and Curiosity Experience Youth University - Residential Programs
What Do We Do? YU is dedicated to helping children meet their greatest potential—socially, emotionally, and academically Throughout the year Youth University provides innovative camps, programs and field trips to over 8000 elementary and secondary students on the Brock University campus Past Clients Say...
Safety Staff know that trust, support and security – both emotional and physical – are essential to a safe and successful experience Facilitators are thoroughly trained in standardized risk management procedures All program staff have CPR and First Aid training and are required to submit a police check Brock University’s Security Services monitors the campus 24-hours a day Conference and Event Services operates a 24-hour front desk within residences
Exceptional Needs Youth University provides a supportive environment for all its participants and a wide variety of activities to include all participants If you have concerns regarding your child’s specific needs please call (905) ext to speak with the Camp Director Youth University is Accessible
Accommodations Students and chaperones will be housed in one of Brock’s air- conditioned dormitory style residence rooms Bed linens and pillows will be provided Your Food and Accommodations
Meals During Spring Camp all meals are all you-care-to-eat buffet style Offering a wide variety of both hot and cold selections for the most discerning eater “Food selection and quality was great! Great care for students with allergies!” St. David C.E.S., York Catholic District School Board
Food Allergies Youth University is Allergy Aware A Medical Dietary Requirements Form is included in your package for those participants with serious and life threatening allergies Those participants requiring special assistance with their food choices must return this form before the 20 business day school deadline
YU Instructors Program staff are carefully selected university students, most of whom wish to become teachers after they finish school Students go through a rigorous interview process and are selected based on their professionalism, expertise, attention to safety, and love for helping young people to learn and develop
YU Instructors Receive comprehensive training in experiential learning, classroom management, facilitation, and risk management Staff are supervised by a full time Program Manager “All of the staff were full of energy, conscientious, safety aware people. I think the kids had a wonderful bonding experience.” K. Phillips (Parent), River Heights Elementary School Grand Erie District School Board
Supervision Teachers are asked to attend all instructional modules and activities to assist with supervision Should any discipline problems arise, actions are left to the discretion of the teacher Campers require teacher permission to opt out of activities (if this is granted, a teacher must be with them at all times) School chaperones are responsible for dorm supervision while on campus.
Emergencies If you need to contact your child for emergency purposes, you may call the 24 hour Conference Centre Front desk at Brock University at (905) , (ext. 3369) There are payphones located in the students’ residences should they need to call home – Phone cards are recommended
Youth University Leadership Camp The Value of Leadership
Programs Educational camps are professionally designed by academic advisors to meet and exceed the Ontario Curriculum Expectations Activities are done in an active and unique nature to help participants remember what they learn Recreational activities are used to help develop confidence and interpersonal skills
A Typical Day at YU – Day 1 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Arrival, Registration and Residence Assignment 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Opening Ceremony 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM Large Group Games 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM Group Time 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM Module 1 4:40PM – 5:15PMModule 2 5:15PM – 6:15PM Dinner – Residence Dining Hall 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM School Wide Program 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM Evening Social Event 11:00 PM Lights Out
A Typical Day at YU – Day 2 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast – Residence Dining Hall 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Opening/Warm up 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Module 3 11:00 AM - 12:30 PMModule 4 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch – Residence Dining Hall 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM Module 5 2:45 PM – 4:15 PM Module 6 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM Module 7 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Dinner – Residence Dining Hall 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM School Wide Program 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM Evening Social Event 11:00 PM Lights Out
A Typical Day at YU – Day 3 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast – Residence Dining Hall; Move all Luggage to Luggage Room; Return Room Keys to Conference Services 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Large Group Activity 10:45 AM - 11:15 AMClosing Ceremony / Slideshow 11:15 AM - 12:45 PMLunch (Residence Dining Hall) Followed immediately by departure
High Ropes Course & Climbing Tower Our high ropes challenge course and rock climbing tower take students approximately thirty feet off the ground Participants are tied into a safety system using a harness and rope belay system to ensure safety Participants choose their level of challenge and we respect that some students will choose not to climb All equipment is inspected on a daily, monthly and annual basis Youth University meets and exceeds industry standards for equipment, training and risk management
Evening Social Events These programs are offered as a great opportunity to enhance the camp experience while adding extra excitement to evening programs! Evening School Social Event Options: Dance Swimming Campfire Gym Time Movie Night Computer Time Upgrade options to Niagara Falls
What Should I Bring? Participants must bring their own soap, towel, toiletries and personal items Indoor & Outdoor footwear (running shoes, rain boots) Clothing that accommodates hot & cold weather (rain jacket, slush pants, sweater, etc.) Reusable water bottle, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses Small bag to carry items around Refer to participant brochure What Should I Bring...
Our Arrival and Departure Dates and Times Insert School specific details here, see notes for some tips on what to include.
Camp Cost Insert School specific details here, see notes for some tips and information around specific costs associated with your trip
Refunds Insert School specific details here, see notes for some tips and information around cancellation insurance and our cancellation policy.
Questions? We invite you to visit our website for further information regarding our spring camps, summer camps and other programs If you have any further questions or need to contact us for any reason, please call ext