The Changing Location of Industry Standard Grade Geography The Human Environment
Re-cap There are two types of manufacturing industry – heavy and light industry. In Britain heavy industries are in decline and light industries are new and growing. When industries set up in a new area or when they close down, they effect their local area in a number of ways. Footloose Industries: Imagine own a telecommunications business. Q1) What things will be factors on where it can be? Q2) Where in the country/world are you going to put it? Why? Something that is very important is known as the X-factor………..not the tv program.
Effects of new industry When a factory is built, it brings many jobs, but not just in the factory itself People are needed to build the factory The factory may need the services of local trades people and transport companies With extra jobs the population may rise, so new houses will be built. Shops and services will do more trade, because there are more people with more money to spend. The amount of traffic in the area will increase.
Effects of factories closing When any company closes down, people become unemployed. But if a large factory that employs most of the people in the area shuts. The effects on the community can be very severe.
Effects of factories closing Workers lose jobs Trades people, lorry drivers all lose work People move away and find work Shops and other services suffer Whole areas becomes run-down
The coal-mining industry (1) For the last 200 years, coal mining has been one of the most important industries in the UK. Many mines were opened in the 19 th century and all the coal was removed. More mines were opened in the twentieth century, but in different locations.
The coal-mining industry (2) Location 1 – at exposed coalfields, coal seams are near the surface and many shallow mines and opencast workings take coal off the surface. Location 2 – When exposed coal runs out, new mines open in concealed coalfields. Deep shafts have to be dug down to the coal seams.
The coal-mining industry (3)
The coal-mining industry (4)
The coal-mining industry (5)
Effects of coal-mine closure The effect can be in three stages: Unemployment rises, people move away, shops close and the area becomes derelict, with dismantled railway lines waste tips, etc. With high unemployment in the area, regional aid is given to restore the landscape (eg: pulling down old buildings) so that it can be used again. Aid is given to new factories that set up in the area. As new industries open, peoples standard of living should start to rise again.
Your turn Answer core questions 1-4 on page 86.
Social, Economic and Environmental impact of industry closure. What do we mean by the social impacts of industrial closure? What do we mean by the economic impacts of industrial closure? What do we mean by the environmental impacts of industrial closure?
Extension Read the information on page 84. Complete the extension question on page 85 (Q1,2,3,5)