A Day in the Life of Huntley & Palmers A Miscellany of Images from the late 19 th to the early 20 th Century
The Biscuit Factory, about 1889 Huntley and Palmers began building their factory in It soon dominated the town – they were proud to show it on their packaging and advertising.
Aerial View of the Factory, early 1930s This image was taken just before many of the Victorian buildings were demolished in the mid-1930s. Thousands of people worked for H&P. What was life like for the people who spent their lives making biscuits?
Reading Factory rooftops, about 1900 During the 19 th century the air of Reading was filled with the sweet smell of biscuits – and smoke from the fires which powered the steam engines in the factory.
The Factory on the Kennet, 1900 A jumble of buildings crowded up to the edge of the River Kennet, which flowed through the middle of the factory. Today you can walk along the river banks – the island in the middle of the river is now a garden!
Factory Railway Sidings, 1900 At the other side of the factory a maze of railway lines carried ingredients into the factory and tins of biscuits out.
Factory sidings, about 1900 However, as can been seen here, even during the Age of Steam horses were still a common form of transport.
North Factory, 1899 This photograph takes us inside the walls of the factory – it shows biscuits being loaded into the long ovens (on the left).
East Factory Packers, 1899 Packing the baked biscuits was a woman’s job.
Engineering Department, 1899 All of the machines in the factory were maintained by H&P’s own engineering department.
Packing Tins into Crates, 1900 Tins of biscuits that were were packed into wooden crates before leaving the factory – this was clearly a man’s job!
Empty case department, 1899 Used crates – like used shop-tins – were returned to the factory to be used again. Re-cycling is not as modern as some people assume!
Lower Loading Shed, 1899 These crates are being packed onto horse-drawn carts for delivery to businesses in the Reading area.
Factory Rules and Regulations, around 1870 The working day was long – and misbehaviour was punished by a fine, suspension – or the sack. Can you read some of the things that were forbidden?
Leaving for dinner, about 1910 At dinner-time most workers left the factory and walked home for a good meal.
Factory Notice for Visitors, date unknown Visitors often came around to see the famous factory – but giving tips to workers was not allowed!
Factory entrance, 1890s Even the Royal Family came to have a look! On the occasion of such visits the red-brick buildings were gaily decorated and everyone was expected to be neat and tidy.
Notice from George Palmer, 1872 But if visitors couldn’t give tips George Palmer, was on occasion, generous to his workers.
Factory Tea and Entertainments, 1868 Mr Palmer encouraged his workers to use their free time for fun, health and education – drinking alcohol was frowned on! This afternoon of tea and entertainment was more to his taste.
Cricket Outing, 1905 Men from the Engineering and Building Department on a cricket outing to Hurst, near Reading In the early years of the 20 th century H&P organized an annual day trip to the coast – this would be the only holiday most workers had
Palmer Park, around 1903 George Palmer also donated Palmer Park to the town for the benefit of his workers and other townspeople.
Long serving employees, 1918 All of these men had worked for H&P for more than 50 years – they must have begun in the 1870s After a lifetime making biscuits they could look forward to a few years of retirement
'Moonlit' factory, about 1910 At night the machines were turned off and the engines cooled down, but at dawn the business of baking biscuits would begin again.