CINI Presentation Stefano Russo University of Naples Federico II Naples, 20th December 2011
[1] N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Research Team VER - Domenico CotroneoVER - Stefano Russo ER - Catello di Martino ER - Christian Esposito Research Team is composed by two VER and two ER.
[2] N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Research Team Catello left the project due to the personal reasons at the end of the first year. VER - Domenico CotroneoVER - Stefano Russo ER - Catello di Martino ER - Christian Esposito
[3] N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Research Team Catello left the project due to the personal reasons at the end of the first year. ESR - Anna Lanzaro Anna Lanzaro took the place of Catello. VER - Domenico CotroneoVER - Stefano Russo ER - Catello di Martino ER - Christian Esposito
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Secondments During the first half of the project, CINI researchers made secondments towards CSW and SESM for a total of 24,50 man-months: 4 months at SESM and 20,50 months at CSW. VERs within the team have spent 9 months as secondments, while the remaining 15,50 months are secondments performed by ERs and ESR.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Secondments During the first half of the project, CINI researchers made secondments towards CSW and SESM for a total of 24,50 man-months: 4 months at SESM and 20,50 months at CSW. VERs within the team have spent 9 months as secondments, while the remaining 15,50 months are secondments performed by ERs and ESR. We have spent all the planned budget for the first half od the project.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM. - Definition of a methodology for the analysis and study of the obtained results; - Report on problems observed by industry while performing certification projects; - Software Fault Injection activities: a) Accompanying master degree thesis on software fault injection (Anna Lanzaro); b) Evaluation of CINI toolset on G-SWFIT and support on analysis of results; c) Implementing updates on CSW's binary fault injection toolset with improvements and recommendation driven from the evaluation.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM. -Make feasible the monitoring and diagnostic stages against the failures of sub- components such as data distribution systems and application server; -Defining suitable metrics and supervision system requirements for tailoring the performance of above tools on SESM’s needs; mainly addressed to increase the reliability of those applications that make use of COTS components. -Define a set of fault locations and fault triggers to emulate high-level failures.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM. -Definition of a fault injection approach for data distribution systems by mans of invalid inputs to the middleware API; -Develop a proper tool, which allows to access the robustness degree of middleware’s compliant with DDS standard; -Investigation on the proper workload and triggers.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM. -Study of innovative multicore architectures and selection of a product for the investigation; -Definition of a fault model for multicore architectures; -Development of a fault-injection tool for applying the defined fault model for multicore architectures; -Conduction of fault-injection experiments for assessing the fault-tolerance capabilities of the multicore architectures.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Past/Current Activities Activities supported by Critical STEP and conducted by CINI involve CSW and SESM. -Selection of the most representative technical standards in several application domains and the most considered during the current practice in industry; -Purchase of specification documents of several standards by using the EU contribution to research. -Definition of a comparison scheme, by identifying all the elements upon which the comparison is based; -Analysis of the selected documents, and investigation on how each standard treats each of the metrics of the proposed comparison scheme.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Some related projects - COSMIC ( ): public-private laboratory on open source middleware technologies for mission critical applications ( SELEX-SI, SESM, CINI - Iniziativa software: public-private partnership between Finmeccanica and CINI (funding PhD scholarsips; - DOTS-LCCI: Project of the Programme for Research of National Interest, on Large-Scale Critical Infrastructures (5 universities;
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Obtained Results (1/3) Conducted activities allowed CINI to publish the following scientific papers: “Is Software Aging related to Software Metrics?”, by D. Cotroneo, R. Natella, R. Pietrantuono, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Second International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation (WoSAR), San Jose - CA, pp. 1 – 6, ISBN: ; “Software Aging Analysis of the Linux Kernel” by R. Natella, R. Pietrantuono, S. Russo, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), San Jose – CA, pp. 71 – 80, ISBN: ; “Representativeness Analysis of Injected Software Faults in Complex Software”, by R. Natella, D. Cotroneo, J. Dura es, H. Madeira, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Chicago – IL, pp. 437 – 446, ISBN: ; “Adaptive Monitoring in Microkernel Oss” by D. Cotroneo, D. Di Leo, R. Natella, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), Chicago – IL, pp. 66 – 72, ISBN: ; “Online Monitoring of Software System Reliability” by R. Natella, D. Cotroneo, Proceedings of 2010 European Dependable Computing Conference, Valencia, pp , ISBN: ; Emulation of Transient Software Faults for Dependability Assessment: A Case Study by R. Natella, D. Cotroneo at 2010 European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC); “The PreCertification kit for Operating Systems in Safety Domains” by D. Cotroneo, D. Di Leo, N. Silva and R. Barbosa, to be presented at WoSoCER in ISSRE 2011 in 30th November 2011;
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Obtained Results (2/3) “A Case Study on State-Based Robustness Testing of an Operating System for the Avionic Domain” by D. Cotroneo, D. Di Leo, R. Natella, R. Pietrantuono, Proceedings of Security 30th International Conference SAFECOMP 2011, Naples, pp , ISBN ; “Assessing and improving the effectiveness of logs for the analysis of software faults” by M, Cinque, D. Cotroneo, R. Natella, A. Pecchia, Proceedings of the 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2010), Chicago -IL, pp , ISBN: ; “Architecure-Based Criticality Assessment of Software Systems” by D. Cotroneo, A. Pecchia, R. Pietrantuono and S. Russo, Proceedings of th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), Sao Jose dos Campos, 126 – 135, ISBN: ; “Qualification and Selection of Off-The-Shelf components for Safety Critical Systems: a Systematic Approach”, by C. Esposito, D. Cotroneo, R. Barbosa, N. Silva, Proceedings of 2011 Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing Workshops (LADCW), Sao Jose does Campos, pp. 52 – 57, ISBN: ; “Automatic Robustness Evaluation of DDS Compliant Middleware”, Slides of the presentation made at the OMG workshop held on 24th March 2011 on robustness testing of a DDS-compliant middleware product; “A Recovery-Oriented Approach for Software Fault Diagnosis in Complex Critical Systems”, by G. Carrozza, R. Natella, Proceedings of Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC Seventh, Valencia, pp. 25 – 34, ISBN: ; “Investigation on Safety-related Standards for Critical Systems” by C. Esposito, D. Cotroneo and N. Silva, to be published at WoSoCER in ISSRE 2011 in 30th November 2011.
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Obtained Results (2/3) With the support of Critical STEP, CINI organized the following events: Tutorial prof. Verissimo on 16th September 2011 in Naples (Italy) on Large scale complex Critical Infrastructures; Tutorial prof. Trivedi on 23rd September 2011 in Naples (Italy) on modeling large complex critical systems; Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCER) on 30th November 2011 in Hiroshima (Japan), co- sponsorized by CSTEP and DOTS-LCCI projects (DOTS-LCCI is a project funded by the Italian Minister of University and Research for investigating on Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructures).
N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011 ::.. Future Work During the first half of the CSTEP project, Certification of Software Items in SCS emerged as suitable for a future collaboration among CINI, CSW and FCTUC. In this sense some work has been jointly done, as proved by the following paper: The PreCertification kit for Operating Systems in Safety Domains by Domenico Cotroneo, Domenico Di Leo, Nuno Silva and Ricardo Barbosa, published at WoSoCER in ISSRE 2011 in 30th November In addition on this theme, the three organizations have also prepared the proposal for a new IAPP project at the last call of Marie Curie Actions. This is a tangible sign of the intent of the three organizations to continue the collaboration established within CSTEP
Thank you for your attention N APLES, 20 TH D ECEMBER 2011