The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards INCITS JTC 1 State of the Union Karen Higginbottom ISO/IEC JTC 1 Chair
JTC 1 Outreach Worked with ISO to bring developing countries to the JTC 1 Plenary Well received No one went shopping SD 2 History New editor, has been updated PAS Outreach Always a plea for articles, stories Note to Chair: either update or take down Slide 2
Know that it has already been implemented ISO and IEC have aligned on the concept in the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 ALERT: When ISO and IEC approve a common procedure in the Directives, JTC 1 is expected to align Because JTC 1 had many long serving SC Chairs, 11 of the 20 TC Chairs (55%) must be “replaced” by 2017 Sought special transition arrangements from TMB/SMB Request not addressed but declined outright This year, Dick Mabbott (SC 17) and Walter Fumy (SC 27) Slide 3 TC and SC Term Limits
Quick Items Training by ISO specific to JTC 1 – heard good things How to draft standards, how to be an Editor, legal issues ISO/IEC JTC 1 Supplement out for ballot – aligning publication dates with ISO and IEC as much as possible Registration Authorities Still an issue, ANSI working the SC 17 item but others will need to work closely with ISO to ensure they can continue (SC 31 did good work) ISO and IEC have gained membership to the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) JTC 1 had participated as an Observer since 1998 JTC 1 made ISO and IEC aware we wanted to become members They both joined Representatives from JTC 1 on both delegations Other members are: ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, IEEE-SA, ITU, TIA, TTA, TTC, TSDSI Topics this year are: IoT, 5G, Role of SMEs, Security & Privacy Slide 4
Creation of the JTC 1 Advisory Group What Dr. Deutsch said... Had three JTC 1 management bodies SWG-Directives SWG-Management SWG-Planning Added Marketing Worked towards economy of scale Will serve as body to move things forward between the yearly plenaries Can create ad hocs and/or project teams Can issue JTC 1 letter ballots
JAG Resolutions of Note Aligning with ISO/IEC Directives --- No fast track of TRs or TSs New version of JTC 1 Supplement will need to be aligned with the issuance of ISO/IEC Directives – May SD 19 – added another time slot for international webex/telecon meetings – 0500 UTC Handled the LB on WG 9 project split of ISO/IEC – Part 4 is transferred to SC 27 Instructed SC 6, SC 31 and WG 10 to discuss Object Identifier Assignments for IoT Slide 6
Additional JAG Guidance WG 9, WG 10 and WG 11 Convenors and Secretaries (Project Editors) instructed to complete training To attend the next JAG with a plan for progressing work Created Groups to investigate (Planning) Advanced Industrial Systems, Tools and Services (smart machines) – Germany convene Wearable Electronics and Services – UK convene Slide 7
DIS and FDIS Voting ALERT: When ISO and IEC approve a common procedure in the Directives, JTC 1 is expected to align Prior to the electronic balloting system, an NB could “opt out” of JTC 1 ballots Electronic balloting does not allow to opt out and are obligated to vote – will lose P membership if fail to vote on 20% of ballots within one year Countries that work at SC level only expressed concern that they were disenfranchised on the DIS and FDIS votes ISO and IEC have expectation that JTC 1 will conduct DIS and FDIS ballots at SC level promptly Slide 8
Later Today --- Discussion with Don ISO can “throw the switch” immediately JAG created three activities for identifying what is involved prior to the switch being thrown NBs operate differently and have very different processes NBs need to consider their plan to adjust Don to lead session on plan/risks/options for US Slide 9
Thank you