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Presentation transcript:

INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT JUDGMENT VERSUS NEGOTIATED COLLECTIVE JUDGMENT IN SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Lucie Mottier Lopez, Walther Tessaro, Lionel Dechamboux, Fernando Morales & Sophie Serry Equipe EReD (évaluation, régulation et différenciation des apprentissages en situation scolaire et en formation) Université de Genève Congrès EAPRIL – Bienne – novembre 2013

PLAN Research object: Assessment judgment in a situated perspective Design research [social moderation experimented by the participants] Exchanges about «spaces of mediation» between communities of researchers/trainers and teachers Final discussion

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT JUDGMENT IN A SITUATED PERSPECTIVE (1) Judgment in practice (cognition in practice, Lave, 1988) Co-constituted between:  psychological dimensions of assessor  affordances of social contexts (resources, norms, practices, constraints, …) Professional judgment in practice : develops in relation with an ethical dimension and the deontological demands of profession (Desaulniers et al., 2005; Gohier, 2005) Requires a capacity of self-criticism (Laveault, 2005, 2008)

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT JUDGMENT IN A SITUATED PERSPECTIVE (2)  Not the measure of a distance between objectives and assessed performance (Wyatt-Smith, Klenowski & Gunn, 2010)  But a process between provisory an final judgments (Tourmen, 2009)  Gathers and compares information sources of various kinds (Lafortune & Allal, 2008)  It requires :  a set of common procedures for all pupils  the adaptation of procedures for particular situations

INDIVIDUAL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT VERSUS COLLECTIVE ASSESSMENT IN SOCIAL MODERATION “Social moderation involves teachers gathering together to discuss their judgments of the quality of student work and to reach agreement regarding the standard awarded.” (Addie, Klenowski & Wyatt-Smith, 2011) OUR CHOICES:  Assessment tools &  Assessment of students’ work In French and in Mathematics education

RESEARCH DESIGN 3 stages : 1.Observation of assessment practices of 18 third grade teachers (students of 8-9 years old) – 2 times (in French, in Mathemactics) 2.“Social moderation” meeting groups, bringing together 2 times 9 teachers from 6 different schools (3 teachers per school of different socio-economic levels) 3.Second observation of assessment practices of the same 18 third grade teachers – 2 times A research program supported by the Swiss NSF (grant n° _143453/1) Thanks go to to the NSF and to the participating teachers.

PARTICIPATIVE RESEARCH «La recherche participative part de la conviction que le savoir n’est jamais un objet séparé de la personne, qu’il s’inscrit au contraire à même sa relation avec la personne et son expérience immédiate des circonstances dans lesquelles cette relation se produit. En recherche participative, le savoir est rarement l’œuvre d’un seul sujet» (Bourassa, Bélair & Chevalier, 2007, pp.1-2). Co-constitution between cognitions, situations, cultures (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991) Community of practice (Wenger, 1998) Go-between among communities of teachers / trainers / researchers practice

BOUNDARY CROSSING LEARNING (ENGESRÖM, 1999) “Collaborative interaction across boundaries would enable the processes of taking knowledge from one field to another to gain fresh insights and facilitate innovative ideas” (Englehardt & Simmons, 2002).” (Holst, 2007, p. 15)

EXPERIMENTATION OF A SOCIAL MODERATION BY THE PARTICIPANTS TRIO – 15 MINUTES – ANEMONE WORK (Mathematics, 3P/5PH) 1.Consensus about exercise 1, items a), b), c) 2.Discussion about the implications -For teachers’ professional knowledge -For trainers’ professional knowledge -For researchers’ scientific knowledge


PARTICIPATIVE / COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH Supportive of boundary-crossing learning (Engeström, 1999), among communities and according to a dialectic link between the individual and the social structures -Informal and formal learning -Individual and collective learning -Learning and the development of social practices (Senteni, adapté d’Engeström)

PARTICIPATIVE / COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH Social moderation is seen as a possible space for boundary-crossing learning Exploration collective sur les pratiques existantes pour explorer ensemble des pratiques d’évaluation renouvelées Dialectique entre l’existant et le possible, le nouveau, le développement Développement personnel Développement de nouvelles organisations collectives du travail (Engeström, 2004)

PARTICIPATIVE / COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH Social moderation is seen as a possible space for boundary- crossing learning To what extent “spaces of mediation” are constructed among communities of teachers and researchers ? What “collective significations” are co-constructed and for what theoretical / practical implications ?

RESULTS: AN EXEMPLE Conceptual distinction between:  «Arrangement évaluatif» (Merle, 2012)  «Ajustement pédagogique» aiming at differentiating assessment (Mottier Lopez, Tessaro, Dechamboux & Morales Villabona, 2012)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! Your questions