The Institute of Chartered Foresters By Royal Charter, it sets the standard for professional forestry and arboriculture in the UK In order to represent the profession effectively it is important all deserving Associates progress to Professional membership The Institute requires members who will actively contribute to the image and future of forestry and arboriculture
Our Royal Charter “Promote, establish and support standards of education, training and codes of practice such as shall be conducive to a high standard of professional skill and conduct, and of responsibility for the welfare of the public and the environment.”
What we do Runs an assessment system to control entrance Maintains a register of members Promotes a Code of Conduct Provides opportunities for professional improvement and requires an ongoing CPD commitment Promotes the advantages of chartered membership Engages with Government and other policy makers on all issues to do with forestry and arboriculture
Chartered Status Is professionally rewarding A badge of excellence with international recognition Demonstrates your commitment to Continuing Professional Development Demonstrates your commitment to a Code of Conduct An assurance for your employers, customers and the wider public that you are a competent professional
The Examination Board Alan Motion FICFor, Alan Motion Tree Consulting (Chair) Lesley Adams FICFor, Symbiosis Consulting (Vice Chair) Steve McCartney MICFor, Coleraine Borough Council Keith Wishart FICFor, Forestry Commission Scotland Donald Rodger FICFor, Donald Rodger Associates Alex Murray MICFor, Adam Wilson & Sons ltd Tom Jenkins FICFor (Moderator), ex-officio Board Member Stuart Glen, Secretary to the Examination Board
Two routes to Professional membership Professional Membership Entry (PME) Assessed Professional Competency (APC)
Professional Membership Entry (PME) Professional Membership Entry (PME) is the standard route to Chartered Status. It applies to those individuals who, have recently embarked on their careers and are accumulating professional, managerial experience in forestry or arboriculture may have been in the business for some time but have not yet applied before
Assessed Professional Competency (APC) Assessed Professional Competence (APC) is a non-standard route designed for senior foresters or arboriculturists who did not join during the early years of their career, and who meet several strict criteria.
Assessment Assessment is competency based Applicants are not examined The process is designed to determine whether applicants are competent to practice their profession within the bounds of their own experience
Oh, the places you’ll go… 1.Are you able to commit the appropriate time to the process? 2.Are you eligible to proceed? 3.Do you have the appropriate support network in place?
Are you able to commit time?
Are you eligible to proceed? To be eligible to present for PME, applicants must have an appropriate educational background and sufficient relevant experience The higher and more relevant the educational background, the less additional experience is required
Accredited qualifications
Support network in place? “The best support system I had was with a colleague from FC England, who I met at the Edinburgh PME Workshop. We became each other’s support system throughout the process, acting as a sounding board, passing garnered hints and tips of what worked, what didn’t, and encouragement as each submission and interview hurdle came and went. Building that connection with someone who is experiencing the same thing as you, is something I couldn’t recommend highly enough to any future applicant.” Sasha Laing MICFor Policy & Development Officer Forestry Commission Scotland
PME components 1.A Work Record covering at least two years 2.A record of Continuous Personal Development (CPD) 3.A written Critical Analysis 4.A Career Profile 5.A concluding Professional Interview