GLAS Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) requirements for GLAS Niall Ryan
NMP- Why? The two most important suspected causes of pollution in rivers are agriculture and municipal sources, accounting for 53% and 34% of cases respectively. The main sources of impact to water from farming are: phosphorus/phosphate; sediment; pathogens; nitrate; and pesticides.
NMP- Why? Improve soil fertility while at the same time achieving environmental objectives NMP is seen as a tool to assist farmers to meet the objectives of GLAS in tandem with the delivery of their chosen actions. This resulted in it being a Core Requirement for the scheme.
NMP Requirements All GLAS participants must have a GLAS NMP prepared by a GLAS Advisor The NMP must be prepared on the Teagasc produced NMP online system. This On line system will be made available to all Advisors once trained by Teagasc.
NMP Requirements NMP must be in place by 31st December 2016 for Tranche 1 participants NMP must be in place by 31st March 2017 for Tranche 2 participants
NMP Requirements No further GLAS payments will be made until NMP is submitted. If not submitted by 31st December 2017 for GLAS 1 & 2 participants, the GLAS participant will be terminated from the scheme.
NMP Requirements All land farmed must be soil sampled (includes owned/leased/rented). Exceptions: Commonage lands Mountain land and rough grazing
NMP Requirements Soil Samples must be taken in accordance with article 16(2) and schedule one of SI31/2014 Analysis must be done in Accredited laboratories. For samples to be valid in the year the NMP is prepared, they must be taken from the 15 th Sept five years previous.
NMP Requirements The NMP must outline the total chemical N and total chemical P figures for the whole farm. Adjustments to be made by GLAS advisor when drawing up the NMP for GLAS actions that have a chemical N restriction e.g. LIPP, THM, Hen Harrier etc.
NMP Requirements Commonage lands must not be allocated chemical N and chemical P in the GLAS NMP Mountain land and rough grazing lands that are not soil sampled must not be allocated chemical N and P in the GLAS NMP These Areas must be clearly identified on the Teagasc NMP system
NMP Requirements Derogation farmers in GLAS must sample all lands farmed in accordance with Nitrates Derogations T&C
NMP Requirements Valid NMP must be in place at all times during the GLAS contract Failure to have one in place may result in termination GLAS actions with chemical N restriction, will require a review of the GLAS NMP in year 3
NMP –Phosphorus Map