Graduate Student Development Session: MUST KNOWS – IRB & District Reviews Hosted by: Dr. Stacey Rutledge Julie Haltiwanger Secretary to the Committee, FSU Institutional Review Board Gillian Gregory Director of Testing, Research & Evaluation, Leon County Public Schools Stephanie Brown Research Associate, National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools
The National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (NCSU) This research was conducted with funding from the Institute of Education Sciences (R305C10023). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the institutions with which they are affiliated or the U.S. Department of Education.
NCSU Model
PASL: The Design Challenge Personalization for Academic and Social Emotional Learning A systemic, school-wide approach to meeting the academic and social emotional needs for students through a culture of personalization as well as deliberate organizational structures and routines that, in turn, lead to higher motivation, engagement and self efficacy for students (Rutledge, Cohen-Vogel, Osborne-Lampkin, & Roberts, 2015).
NCSU Broward Multilevel Case Study VOLUNTARY Research Activities Fall, Winter, & Spring weeklong visits to 4 schools (Year 1) Feb/March weeklong visits to each 3-8 schools (Years 3, 5, 6) Interviews conducted at each school and over the phone with: principal, 9 th grade assistant principal, 9 th grade guidance counselor, PASL teachers, School and District Innovation Design Team (SIDT & DIDT) members. (Years 1, 3, 5, 6) Student shadowing (Year 1) Focus groups with students (Years 1, 3, 5, 6) Observations of classrooms (Years 1 & 5) Fall & spring surveys of students (Years 3, 4, 5, 6) Fall surveys of teachers (Years 3, 4, 5, 6) Supplemental study with longitudinal data from 2003 Dissertations
IRB and Field Visit Requirements Pre-visit IRB Approval required from FSU Human Subjects/IRB IRB Approval required from Broward County Public Schools Human Subjects /IRB Security Clearance/ID badges required Assign identifiers to participants Prepare data collection forms/consent materials once IRB approved During the Visit Recruitment s* Adult Consent forms* Parent consent forms (multiple languages)* Student assent forms* Data storage plan* Interview Guides* Observation Guides* Equipment (audio/video; batteries, hard drives, computers) ID Badges *approved by IRB in advance After the Visit Data storage: backup all files on hard drives, password-protected servers Remove personally identifying information and use assign codes Keep study data for 10 years
Site Description: Broward Orange Grove Mariposa Flamingo Isles Enrollment Student Race/Ethnicity Hispanic <20% <20% 40-50% African American 50-70% >80% 20-40% White <20% <20% <20% Economically 60-80% >80% 50-60% Disadvantaged