Migrate- to move one place to another. Hunting & gathering- members of homo sapiens who spent hours hunting. technology- the proper knowledge to invent new tools.
Plow- a tool to cut, lift, and turn soil. Irrigation- ways to move water to land Slash & Burn farming- a method in which forestland is cut and burned to prepare the soil.
Silt-soil or tiny rocks carried on land by sea. Caravan- a group of traders on a long journey Architecture- a style of building
Mummification- to preserve a body Pyramids- a structure that served as a tomb for ancient rulers Papyrus- a paper like material on which the Egyptians wrote on
Harbor- a shelter place with deep water close to shore Cultural-Borrowing- the process in which a culture takes a idea from another culture Acropolis- a fort built on top of a hill
Roads- to get around faster Romanize- to make roman in character Arable- good for growing crops