Aquatic exercise นิภาพร ทองหลอม
Hydrotherapy vs. Aquatic exercise Treatment Rehabilitation ▫Flexibility ▫Muscle re-education ▫Increase ROM ▫Strengthening ▫Balance control ▫Decrease in Spasticity Treatment Rehabilitation ▫Flexibility ▫Muscle re-education ▫Increase ROM ▫Strengthening ▫Balance control ▫Decrease in Spasticity Physical fitness ▫Cardiorespiratory endurance ▫Muscular strength ▫Muscular endurance ▫Flexibility ▫Body composition Physical fitness ▫Cardiorespiratory endurance ▫Muscular strength ▫Muscular endurance ▫Flexibility ▫Body composition
Physical Fitness Using heart rate to measure intensity ▫Resting heart rate ▫Maximum heart rate ▫Working heart rate ▫Minimum working heart rate ▫Maximum working heart rate ▫Optimum working heart rate ▫Target zone ▫Recovery heart rate
Karvonen Formula for water exercise Maximum HR = age HR reserve = Maximum HR – Resting HR
Maximum working HR (land base exercise) Karvonen Formula for land base exercise = HR reserve X 0.5 (intensity level) + resting HR Minimum working HR (land base exercise) = HR reserve X 0.85 (intensity level) + resting HR
Minimum working HR for Aquatic exercise Karvonen Formula for water exercise = minimum working HR (land base exs.) – 17 bpm. Maximum working HR for Aquatic exercise = minimum working HR (land base exs.) – 17 bpm.
Intensity Evaluation Methods Rate of Perceived Exertion
Type of Aquatic exercise Water aerobics Water walking Water toning Strength training Flexibility training Shallow-water jogging Sport-specific and sport-conditioning workouts Etc.
Water aerobics “ a wide variety of dance and calisthenic moves done in the water”
Format for Water aerobics Warm-Up Thermal Warm-Up (Musculoskeletal warm-up) Prestretch Cardiorespiratory warm-up The Cardiorespiratory Workout Mode Duration Intensity Frequency Cooldown
Warm-up Muscle fluidity contraction efficiency (force & rate) Muscle elasticity and sensitivity Flexibility of tendons ▫ risk of injury Metabolic reaction in the muscle Fat burning oxygen intake rate
Thermal warm-up 3 – 5 mins. blood flow to the muscles and soft tissues blood and oxygen moving to synovial fluid internal body temperature (1 – 2 degrees) muscle temperature
Prestretch Prevent injury during high intensity workout Usually held 5-10 sec. during the prestretch Stretch major muscle group
Cardiorespiratory warm-up Gradually overload the heart, lungs, vascular system Increase the oxygen demands on the heart Increase core temperature of the body
The Cardiorespiratory Workout Goal for improve Cardiorespiratory system ▫Mode: large-muscle activity that is maintain continuous and rhythmic in nature Legs must be moving continuously ▫Duration: 20 – 30 mins. ▫Intensity: 50% - 85% maximal heart rate reserve ▫Frequency: 3 – 5 times a week
Cooldown Return blood to the heart to move toward a resting level Prevent the pooling of blood in the extremities Reduces muscle soreness
Equipment Not necessary ▫Increased intensity of aerobics program by resistance of water, positioning of limbs and body, and force of movement Other equipments: assisted / resisted ▫Webbed glove ▫Paddles ▫Footware etc.
Water depth Midriff to armpit Shallower water could lead to stress fracture and other overuse injuries
Music During water aerobics is usually in the 130 – 160 bpm ▫Shallow water [hip to waist] bpm ▫Dept water 145 bpm
Test A man 20 years old, resting HR 70 bpm. What is a target zone for water aerobics and land base exercise?
Answer Land base exercise = 135 – bpm. Water aerobics = 118 – bpm.