Watch Laurier Arts: Women and Gender Studies And check out our Facebook page:
Office Location 202 Regina St. 1 st floor Walk in from Regina St, turn right, then left. ½ way down long corridor, Women and Gender Studies/Archaeology and Classics Office Walk in—see Faith McCord, administrative assistant’s office in front of you To the right, the faculty offices: CAS and full-time
Ms. Faith McCord Administrative Assistant Contact for Program information
Dr. Margaret Toye Program Coordinator Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies (WS100, WS212, WS303, WS305, WS490)
Program Coordinator Consult for - academic advising in WS specifically; - if you are pursuing a major or a minor and in a class think could be a WS class—contact and bring syllabus; - information about applying to grad school; - any issues or concerns re program, classes, etc. after you have spoken with and met with instructor; - ideas for events, other elements of Program.
Dr. Shahnaz Khan Professor Cross-appointed in WGS and Global Studies (WS210, WS304, WS307, WS308, WS490)
Dr. Karen Stote Assistant Professor, Women and Gender Studies (WS100, WS301, WS304, WS306)
Full time members from other faculties or departments who teach in our program Dr. Ginette Lafrenière, Faculty of Social Work Program Member of WS Coordinating Committee (WS209, WS306)
Joanne Oud Librarian for WS Member of Coordinating Committee
CAS instructors, many of whom teach multiple courses, for many years, central to our Program
Dr. Helen Ramirez WS100, WS204, WS208 Professor Lorraine Vander Hoef WS100, WS203 Dr. Bianca Rus WS203, WS205, WS305
Professor Holly Baines (WS202) Dr. Leslie Nichols (WS204) Dr. Neil Balan (WS211) Dr. Kelly Baker (WS212) Dr. Natasha Patterson (WS100)
WS Program Committee All full-time members of the Program Full-time members who teach in our Program Members at Large: full-time members from within Arts and other Faculties Librarian CAS representative Student representatives: majors CWT* student representative
WGS Student Reps for Ashley Lieu Nicole Burns Danielle LeDuc If you wish to be considered for one of the WGS rep positions for , please contact Dr. Margaret Toye
Majoring or Minoring in WS Requirements 37&y= &y=49 Degree requirement worksheets Note: please check out requirements! Many people think can’t do a minor and find out have already fulfilled requirements. You can also do a minor entirely online now! Many people pursuing a minor find out have almost done a combined major—with a bit of planning, could complete it.
WS Combined Honours Need to declare a major in both WS AND in another discipline. Common combinations include: Sociology, English, Cultural Studies, Global Studies, Communication Studies. Others : Anthropology, History, Psychology, Philosophy, Religion and Culture - Some have even, as they planned well, declared one or two minors on top of the combined major (approved courses help!)
Combined honours = 20.0 credits WS requirement = 7.0 credits WS100 (Intro)_____ WS303 (Feminist Theory)_____ 0.5 WS credit at 3 rd year level_____ 0.5 WS credits (x 2)(2 nd y. or higher)_____ _____ WS490 (or WS400)_____ 4.0 credits in WS or approved courses _____ _____ _____ _____ (prerequisites for approved: your responsibility to take or get permission to waive them: seek from department) Don’t forget that courses can “double count” for both majors At graduation: 5.0 GPA in all courses GPA in WS
Minor in WS = 3.0 credits WS100 (Intro)_____ 0.5 WS credits (x 2)(2 nd y. or higher)_____ _____ 1.5 credits in WS or approved courses _____ _____ _____ 4.5 in WS courses required Minor not available for General Degrees Note: you can now do a minor entirely through online courses!
Summer courses 2016 Classroom: WS208Women and Violence (May-August) WS205Women, Gender and Visual Culture (May/June) Online: WS100Intro WS203Girls, Women and Popular Culture WS204Women, Gender and Work WS211Diverse Masculinities
Summer courses 2016 Approved courses in WGS Online HI284 History of Sex in Western Civilization HI375 Family Law in Canada SY201 Sociology of Families SY210 Social Inequality
WS Courses Fall 2016/Winter 2017: Subject to budgetary approval All courses in WGS calendar listed below. The ones being offered next fall/winter, subject to budget approval are indicated by a * The ones being offered in the summer are indicated with a s
* WS100 Introduction to Women and Gender Studies - Multiple sections every fall and winter terms - Online version offered every term
WS201 Gender, Subjectivity and Resistance *WS202 Women and Gender Relations in Canada * + sWS203 Girls, Women and Popular Culture (classroom and online) WS204 Women, Gender and Work (classroom) *sWS204 Women, Gender and Work (online) s WS205 Women, Gender and Visual Culture * + sWS208 Violence Against Women *WS209 Women and Leadership *WS210 Introduction to Feminist Thought and Action *sWS211 Diverse Masculinities (online) *WS212 Food and Feminism
*WS301k Special Topics (topic next year: Women and Environmental (In)Justice) *WS303 Feminist Theory *WS304 Gender and Colonial Legacies WS305 Gender, Culture and Technology *WS306 Women and Social Justice WS307 Gender and Social Politics in Contemporary Muslim Societies WS308 Gender, Cinema and the Third World WS310 Transnational Sexualities WS390 Directed Studies WS400 Independent Research *WS490 Advanced Topics in Women and Gender Studies (Topic next year: Gender, Culture and Islam)
WGS classroom classes being offered at Brantford campus 2016/17 WS100 (fall) WS204 (winter)
Current Approved Courses AN341 - Kinship, Marriage and Gender AN326 - Culture as Performance AN343 – Culture and Society in Latin America CS 322- Gender, Communication and Culture EN225 – Contemporary Women’s Writing EN324 - Canadian Women's Writing FS 346- Film Theory and Gender GG273 - Geographies of Health and Disease GG373 - Landscapes and Identities GS231- War and Conflict: An Introduction GS325-Religion, Culture and Society
HI271 - Survey of European Women's/Gender History HI284 - The History of Sexuality in Western Civilization HI326 - History of Gender Roles from the Industrial Revolution to the Present HI372 - Colonial and U.S. Women, HI375- Seeking Justice: The Family and Law in Canada, HI388Performing Gender in Ancient Greece HI390 Family Law in Greece and Rome
ID207 – Gender and Indigenous Communities MU274- Women and Music PP219 - Feminist Philosophy PP249 - Philosophy and Gender PO320 - Women, Gender and Politics PS287 - Psychology of Gender RE224 - Gendering the Divine RE285 - Religion and Culture of the African Diaspora RE372 - Women's Lives and Religious Values RE374- Religion and Sexuality RE 377: Gender and Islam RE380/SY380 - Religion and Social Change
SY201 - Sociology of Families SY210 - Social Inequality SY334 - Sociology of Gender SY338– Women and Development
Other possible approved courses Any other classes you find yourself in, and +50% of assigned readings are on women/gender studies material and allowed to write assignments from feminist perspective ->>inquire of coordinator and bring syllabus-> may get 1 time approval or call our attention to possible getting it on the books. Courses at other universities: eg. UW’s Women’s Studies or Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies Programs, or at other universities in Canada or online (eg. Athabasca online University) or International Universities (recommended: get approval from Program Coordinator IN ADVANCE)