The effect of urban regeneration policies in creating climate-friendly environments (presentation) SEYED MORTEZA MOOSSAVI Student of Ph. D. in Architecture Department of Architecture & Ekistics Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Introduction Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. It will bring serious impact on human life and settlements such as: sea level rise, extreme weather events, flooding, and heat waves. The majority of the world's population lives in urban areas Although covering only about 3 % of the world's surface, cities have an enormous impact on climate change because they account for the consumption of 75 % of global natural resources and 80 % of 'greenhouse' gas emissions.
Climate Change Climate refers to the average weather experienced in a region over a long period, typically at least 30 years. This includes temperature, wind and rainfall patterns. The main human influence on global climate is likely to be emission of greenhouse gases, Especially Carbon Dioxide and Methane. Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. However, the world warming may be misleading, as it doesn’t embrace the full range of changes that could result.
Urban Areas and Climate Change Urban areas and climate change have two-way relationship. About 60% of world population will live in urban areas by Urban areas consume between 60 to 80% of energy. Urban areas are part of climate change problem. Urban areas are major contributors to Co2 emissions. And in other hand, Climate change poses key threats to urban infrastructure and quality of life. Rising sea levels are a critical issue for major cities. For example, in Europe, 70% of the largest cities have areas that are less than 10 meters above sea level. So cities are key part of the solution for climate change problem if planner and designers change their strategies to sustainable or green strategies in urban development and regeneration.
Urban Regeneration Urban regeneration has been an is one of the most important strategies to address inner city decline and deprivation. Urban regeneration is a process through which urban areas are renewed, redeveloped or rehabilitated. Urban regeneration can address many of the challenges posed by climate change. Urban regeneration can provide essential and effective solutions that will make our environment more climate-friendly.
Keywords for Urban Infrastructure Regeneration Environmental sustainability Social sustainability Economic sustainability
Policy Responses to Climate change of Urban Level We can classify policies of urban level response to climate change in three holistic parts: Governance Policies Sectorial Policies Spatial Policies
Governance Policies Adjustment in decision-making processes; include (Good governance, more government involvement, strong local governments, abolishment of corruption, integration of relevant policies). Fair redistribution policies; include (poverty reduction, more employment, improvements in living conditions). Adjustment in community-based processes; include (community participation, awareness- raising among citizens and policy-makers)
Sectorial Policies Energy sector includes (reduction in energy consumption and improvements in access to renewable sources of energy). Transportation sector includes (Reduction in energy consumption through more efficient vehicles and more public transportation). Construction sector includes (sustainable construction methods and materials, energy- efficient and climate-friendly buildings).
Spatial Policies Developing sustainable spatial forms; include (polycentric city- regions at regional levels, compact cities and forms and urban level). Improving land-use structure; include (green and blue infrastructure, building retrofitting, climate-friendly new buildings, access by public transportation, increased access daily facilities). Improving infrastructure systems and urban services; include (extensive public transportation, renewable energy consumption/generation, renewed infrastructure utilities, sustainable solid waste management). Improving legal and institutional dimensions of urban development; include (land-use planning and development control, new forms of planning and assessment tools, regulations on building design and construction
Results According to this paper we can classify green urban regeneration policies in relation with climate-friendly environment as under systems and policies: Innovation for changing intrinsic nature Interconnectivity for reuse and recycling: urban built-ecology Use renewable energy High efficiency Decentralization High Density Environmental conservation Convenience Coupling with cultural and historical background Considering affordability Stepwise greenization
Conclusion The effect of urban regeneration in creating climate-friendly environment have two face: It relates to developers, planners, and designers. If they use sustainable or green policies and systems in urban regeneration, urban areas will be climate-friendly environment. And In this way we can get effect of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
References Matthias, Herbert, Climate Change and Urban Environment, 3 rd International Congress on Environmental Planning and Management, July 2009, Seoul. Glasgow City Council Development and Regeneration Services, (November 2010), Glasgow City Council Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan, Glasgow City Council Development and Regeneration Services, P.9 Towards Eco-Cities in East Asia, TOWARDS A LIVEABLE AND SUSTAINABLE URBAN ENVIRONMENT - Eco-Cities in East Asia, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., P.3. European Union, Committee of the Regions,( 9-10 June 2010) OPINION of the Committee of the Regions on THE ROLE OF URBAN REGENERATION IN THE FUTURE OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE, 85th plenary session, P.13 Gabriela Teodorescu, Climate change impact on urban ecosystems and sustainable development of cities in Romania, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT, Issue 2, Volume 6, February 2010, ISSN: , P sentation_OsmanBalaban.pdf+green+urban+regeneration+policies&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEES hchgK7J9ItBGNupmYGM1EkIddQcK1JpOjy3_sZW_mqiYLCAtlX4dG4pfpGHh9CDV_GTFcb4vz_RFM j7a8WfVV3BZC2nTJbakVIuc8x9612ImdEZyy3wMi7MADLdRbPb_qRqfHw&sig=AHIEtbShHW5jVGsJ ssjSBn2_4wpgyMpffA