An evolving resource collection by a virtual community Gobi Dust Storms April 6-, 2002 Would you like to contribute? DownloadDownload this PPT Add your content UploadUpload PPT file General Links: (add more links here) AD-Net AD-Net Asian Dust Network NAAPSNAAPS Global Aerosol Model SeaWiFSSeaWiFS Daily Image TOMSTOMS Aerosol Index GMS5GMS5 Geostationary Satellite AERONETAERONET Sun Photometry CAPITACAPITA Atmospheric Dust MODISMODIS Rapid Processing SeaWiFS About this Collection: The purpose of this annotated picture book and web links is to illustrate some of the Web-based data resources relevant to dust, smoke and haze Any use of data listed here should be consistent with the data policies of individual providers Contact person. R. HusarR. Husar Dust Japan Mongolia Korea
Dust Storm and Biomass Smoke Over SE Asia: April 7, 2002 was an active aerosol period over SE Asia A major Gobi dust cloud was streaking along the Mongolia-China border toward the Pacific The seasonal biomass burning over Indochina produced a thick, bluish, smoke plume Indochina Biomass Smoke Gobi Dust SeaWiFS Team, Gene Feldman, Norman Kuring, All SeaWiFS images are for research and educational use only. All commercial use of SeaWiFS data must be coordinated with ORBIMAGE
GMS-5 GMS-5 Satellite Images of the Dust April 6,7, Animatio n Animation
MODISMODIS High Resolution Image of the Gobi Dust Storm The dust plume streaks along the China-Mongolia boarder Also note the rough texture of the dust cloud Rapid Processing Team MODIS
MODISMODIS High Resolution Image of Indochina Smoke See 250m resolution image MODIS Fire Maps Jan-Apr 2002
AERONETAERONET Sun Photometer Data: Dalanzadgad Sun photometer – derived aerosol optical thickness indicates the passage of dusty air masses Dalanzadgad, Mongolia was in the path of several Dust storms in March and April 2002 Brent Holben, On March 16 for example, the aerosol optical thickness was about 2 The wavelength-independence of AOT indicates that the vertical light extinction is due to dust
01UTC 21 Mar UTC 23 Mar :30UTC 8 Apr Visibility 1.2 kmVisibility 6.7 km Visibility 5 km “The tallest building with 63 stairs was gone with the dust today again.” Korea Meteorological Administration Seoul, KOREA
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