Chapman’s Congress
Rules for Chapman’s Congress If ANYONE chooses to disrespect a classmate, or does not follow the rules, the activity ends immediately! This is your warning. All point values are to remain secret. If you share your point total with another group, the simulation ends and we will do book work for the rest of the class period. The object of the game is to approve a Coat of Arms that earns your group a point total of 6 or greater based upon your handout.
Rules for Chapman’s Congress If a Coat of Arms is decided upon and ratified, those teams with point totals greater than or equal to 6 points will receive SIGNIFICANT extra credit points! Stay engaged. This classroom is full of choices and consequences. Like always, you make the choice on how to behave, and I’ll administer the consequence accordingly.
Steps and Procedures 1.Each group will be given 5 minutes prior to voting to develop a defense for each coat of arms. 2.One group nominates a symbol. 3.The nomination must be “seconded”, or affirmed, by another group. 4.There is then a discussion on merits of the nominated symbol. 5.The Congress then votes to decide if the symbol will be included on the on the proposed Coat of Arms. Majority rules at this juncture. 6.Then, there is a vote on the proposed Coat of Arms. IT MUST BE APPROVED BY 9 OF THE 13 GROUPS TO PASS. 7.If the proposal is rejected, we repeat the process again.
Reflection Questions 1.Why couldn’t the class come to an agreement on the Coat of Arms? 2.What would have happened if the decision had been based upon majority rule? 3.What feelings did you experience as you tried to pass a Coat of Arms? 4.Why might a government have this type of system? 5.What do you think might happen in a government with this type of system?