Welcome To Centralia High School! For more information visit our web site: 2/23/2014
INTRODUCTION Congratulations on being part of the class of 2020!Congratulations on being part of the class of 2020! CounselorsCounselors 9 th grade counselor: Mrs. Jessica Boeck9 th grade counselor: Mrs. Jessica Boeck 10 th -12 th grade counselors10 th -12 th grade counselors Jim Parker [A-G]Jim Parker [A-G] Matt Whitmire [H-O]Matt Whitmire [H-O] Deb Everley [P-Z]Deb Everley [P-Z] AdministratorsAdministrators Mr. Lowe, PrincipalMr. Lowe, Principal TBD, Vice principalTBD, Vice principal Mr. Chamberlain, Vice principal/AthleticsMr. Chamberlain, Vice principal/Athletics Mr. Bowers, CTE directorMr. Bowers, CTE director
CLASS OF 2020 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Total credits: 22.0 English4.0 Math3.0 Fine Arts1.0 Social Studies3.0 Science2.0 PE/Fitness1.5 Health0.5 Vocational1.0 Washington State History NC Electives6.0
CLASS OF 2020 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SBAC Smarter Balanced Testing Success ELA English Lang Arts2548 Math SBAC Science 400- End of Course Biology 4 P’s Portfolio Presentation (senior year) Pathway (career) Plan (the fifth year, after CHS) All above parts equal one CHS diploma
TYPICAL 9 TH GRADE SCHEDULE PdSemester 1Semester 2Yearly Credit 1English 9AEnglish 9B1.0 2Algebra 1AAlgebra 1B1.0 3Science 9AScience 9B1.0 4Law & Comm AFamily Health B1.0 5PE APE B or Elective1.0 6Elective AElective B1.0
ADVANCED 9 TH GRADE SCHEDULE PdSemester 1Semester 2 1Honors English 9AHonors English 9B 2Geometry AGeometry B 3Honors Science 9AHonors Science 9B 4Law & Comm AFamily Health B 5Elective APE B 6Spanish 1ASpanish 1 B
ZERO HOUR 9 TH GRADE SCHEDULE PdSemester 1Semester 2 0Strength & Cond AStrength & Cond B 1English 9 AEnglish 9 B 2Geometry AGeometry B 3Science 9 AScience 9 B 4Law & Comm AFamily Health B 5PE APE B 6Elective AElective B
COURSE DESCRIPTION SAMPLE: WEB SITE: STEM ROBOTICS 101 A & B STEM ROBOTICS 101 A & B Skyward Code: CTE 209 & CTE 210 Skyward Code: CTE 209 & CTE 210 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Course length: Two Semesters, One year Course length: Two Semesters, One year Credit Type: CTE or Elective Credit Type: CTE or Elective This course uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts in robotics, focusing on mobile robots and illustrations of current state of the art research and applications. This introductory course uses the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Education Base Set and NXT-G software to teach the class. In this course, basic concepts will be discussed, including coordinate transformations, sensors, path planning, kinematics, feedback, and feed-forward control, stressing the importance of integrating sensors, effectors and control. Students will work in teams to build and test increasingly more complex LEGO-based mobile robots, culminating in an end-of-semester robot contest. This course uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts in robotics, focusing on mobile robots and illustrations of current state of the art research and applications. This introductory course uses the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Education Base Set and NXT-G software to teach the class. In this course, basic concepts will be discussed, including coordinate transformations, sensors, path planning, kinematics, feedback, and feed-forward control, stressing the importance of integrating sensors, effectors and control. Students will work in teams to build and test increasingly more complex LEGO-based mobile robots, culminating in an end-of-semester robot contest.
REGISTRATION PROCESS LAST Name first, address, cell phone Circle each correct subject WE NEED 12 Classes (6A and 6B classes) ADD 2 Alternates (1A and 1B) Circle them and put an A1 and A2 next to it English Math Science PE/Fitness Law & Community Family Health Elective [list 2-4]
REGISTRATION PROCESS Give me one copy now Have parent sign other copy Return by Friday to CMS Teacher If you are way late, give it to CMS counselors
9 TH GRADE ORIENTATION Read about the orientation in the summer mailingRead about the orientation in the summer mailing
QUESTIONS? Call or us:Call or us: Jim Parker, counselor [A-G]Jim Parker, counselor [A-G] Matt Whitmire, counselor [H-O]Matt Whitmire, counselor [H-O] Deb Everley, counselor [P-Z]Deb Everley, counselor [P-Z]