NCAS Formal Consultation Meeting Alastair Scotland Kevin Hunt Dee Mullner National Clinical Assessment Service
Principles guiding restructure Open, fair and transparent process Reduction of establishment will be carried out across grades (diagonal slice) A reduction in the number of layers to the organisation Greater generalisation, with specialist roles only where essential Greater efficiencies both within and across departments
Financial background Savings have been made in not filling vacant posts, a review of secondments and through the recruitment and communications freeze However, additional savings still need to be found Savings have been identified in non-pay areas and these savings have been significant in the Assessment Department and Education & Support Services Further reductions will be made through a review and restructure process. It is expected that this restructure will lead to 19 redundant posts currently filled by substantive postholders
Rationale for Change This paper is being issued to inform and consult with staff about the proposals to restructure NCAS in the light of an anticipated reduction in budget of 25% for 2011/2012. The process is being conducted in accordance with the NPSA Organisational Change policy and procedure
Details of proposed restructure Current establishment - Appendix A Proposed new structure - Appendix B All job descriptions are available on request Staff are invited to comment on the proposed structure, including where they feel a post should be included in any ring- fenced pool. Some posts which are vacant in the current establishment are currently filled by agency staff. All NCAS staff, including those in Scotland, are invited to participate in this consultation.
Consultation timetable The formal consultation process commences today with this Group Consultation Meeting and the release of the paper at 10am today Individual Consultation meetings – 1 st February – 1 st March 2011 Consultation close – 1 st March 2011 Feedback considered by NCAS MT – 2 nd March 2011 – 4 th March 2011 Close of consultation and staff briefing - 8 th March 2011 Process for establishing staff into posts in new structure – 8 th March onwards New structure in place – 1 st April 2011
NCAS Leadership NCAS requires a chief of service as it moves forward and so the post of Medical Director remains unchanged Medical Director retained HR Adviser and Adviser to CMO (England) Post removed from establishment and funding discontinued on retirement of postholder in December 2010.
National Clinical Assessment Service Medical Director Associate Director (Business Development) Business support and development team Legal services team PA and administrative support team to NCAS Associate Director (Assessment) Assessment Team Evaluation & Research Function management Senior Adviser (Back on Track) Case Management Team Back on Track Team Deputy Medical Director Adviser team (incl Northern Ireland & Wales Project Development Team Information & Knowledge Management team Education & Support Services team PA to the Medical Director
Deputy Medical Director
Case Management Team
Assessment Team
Education and Support Services
Business Development and Legal Services
Wales and Northern Ireland
Formal individual one to one meeting Staff affected by the changes will be invited to a 1:1 meeting with their head of service (or designate) and HR, as well as a representative Representative may be TU rep, workplace colleague elected staff rep, friend or family The meeting will focus upon how the changes personally affect the individual and how they will be supported The member of staff will be able to ask questions, and give feedback about the proposals in the paper
Close of consultation Management to consider responses ‘All staff’ briefing will be held to confirm outcome of consultation process Staff will fall into three categories Slot in Ring fencing on competitive basis No ring fencing – issued notice redundancy
Proposed Implementation Timescales ‘Slotting-in’ – no change to post ‘Ring-fenced’ recruitment to posts from 8 th March – 31 st March 2011 Staff who have not been slotted in or successfully appointed to a post in new structure issued notice from mid March 2011 depending upon post
Posts to be ring fenced Project Support Manager (Project Development Team) Case worker (Case Management Team)
Recruitment and selection for ring fenced posts Staff may comment during the consultation on the ‘ring fenced pools’ and whether their post should be included Selection process includes: invitation to apply for role, application form, supporting statement and interview Panel consist of head of service, HR, independent manager
Suitable alternative employment Any vacancies that arise within NCAS during the consultation and implementation stages will be ring fenced to those ‘at risk’ Suitable alternative employment will be sought within wider NHS/ALB sector (restricted pools of jobs for staff at risk) Vacancies compared against six criteria
Notice and search for suitable alternative employment Staff who are not slotted in or ring fenced to a pool (or unsuccessful in a ring fenced pool) will be issued with their contractual or statutory notice period and placed ‘at risk’ Staff ‘at risk’ will be assisted in finding suitable alternative employment by HR
Redundancy If by the end of the notice period, no suitable alternative employment has been found, then employment will be terminated on the grounds of redundancy Staff have the right to appeal against the termination of their contract by way of redundancy
Outplacement support E and SS have arranged series of workshops Appointments Commission will be running series workshops and one to one sessions with affected staff around CV writing, interview preparation and psychometric testing Launch - Tuesday 15 th February 12pm
Support for you Occupational Health: Counselling NHS jobs redeployment pool Time off for interviews HR advice Interviewing skills CV & application advice One to one Support
Your views - feedback Today at this Group Consultation Meeting At your Individual Consultation Meeting with your line manager On the intranet ‘restructuring’ pages Via HR: Kevin Hunt:
Your views - feedback Through one of the elected staff representatives Andrew Appiah Kathryn Burgoyne David Esplin Joel Henderson Jonathan Inkpen Ben Millington Richard Seppings Florence Starr David Taylor Karen Wadman
Feedback? Questions?