Community Meeting March 24, 2014
Meeting Agenda Welcome Introductions Overview Master Plan Process Overview Existing Conditions Facilitated Discussion: Issues and Opportunities Next Steps and Close Adjourn
Master Planning Process
Add vicinity map here Project Vicinity Wilderness Area
Master Plan Goals 1.Preserve sensitive environmental resources; 2.Manage for visitor capacity; 3.Minimize impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods; and 4.Fully engage interested parties, users and the community at large in the planning process
Scope of Work Task 1: Review Existing Documentation Task 2: Public Engagement Plan Task 3: Inventory of Existing Conditions Task 4: Carrying Capacity Task 5a: Environmental Baseline Task 5b: Resource Mgmt Plan
Scope of Work, continued… Task 7: Usage, Amenities & Operations Task 8: Parking Evaluations and Options Task 9: Site Maps Task 12: Final Master Plan Preparation
Technical Advisory Committee TAC Membership includes: –2 members at large –1 Chair of Planning Commission –1 Chair of Community and Health Services Commission –1 member Claremont Wildlands Conservancy –1 member Claremont Hills Conservation Corporation –5 neighborhood/HOA representatives
Technical Advisory Committee Purpose is to provide feedback into the public engagement process and input on specific issue areas. 11-person ad hoc committee comprised of diverse interests and backgrounds. Each person represents interests of their group/organization.
Opportunities for Input Attend community or TAC meetings Participate in online or visitor intercept survey Communicate with a TAC member
Historical Background
Johnson family owns and uses Johnson’s Pasture for picnicking and hiking. The hillsides also used for agriculture, irrigation, and recreation. Gale Ranch was used to raise goats for mohair. College students hiked in the hills from 1800’s to present.
Initial Protection Efforts 1975: Acquire 40 acres from the Claraboya developer : Garner Family donates 1440 acres to Pomona College, City annexes eastern foothills and negotiates with Pomona College : City awarded state grants to purchase the Rancho de Los Amigos, Claremont McKenna College, and Wang properties.
Recent Protection Efforts : General obligation bond issued to acquire Johnson's Pasture, Supervisor Mike Antonovich awards Proposition A Excess Funds, City funds added, Johnson's Pasture added. 2011: Rivers and Mountains Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Board split cost of acquiring Gale Ranch and contribute it to the Wilderness area.
Growing Visitor Use 2011: Estimated use more than 300,000 visits annually. 2013: City establishes park hours and parking policies. 2014: City begins the Master Planning process.
Existing Conditions
Wildfire History Wilderness area and surroundings a fire prone environment. 6 documented wildfires since –Padua (Grand Prix) –Williams –Mills –Sycamore –Webb –Amarillo Tank
Claremont Hills Wilderness More than 2,000 acres (including Sycamore Canyon Park) Adjoins other protected areas Headwaters for multiple streams Multiple habitats: –Mixed coastal sage-chaparral scrub –Riparian oak woodland –Ruderal grasses
Sensitive Habitats and Plants
Large Mammals
Preliminary Planning Issues –Stewardship RMP, environmental analysis of use levels, unofficial trails –Sanitation and Safety Etiquette, signage, restrooms, rest areas, steep bike trails –Balance between resource protection & use Number of visitors & neighborhood impacts + hillside conservation Types of users: hikers & bikers and occasional horse riders Hours of operation: expanded or reduced, nighttime options Enforcement? –Equity For all interested parties –Education –Other Issues?
Process Recap
Project Milestones Project launch January 2014 Tasks Completed January – November 2014 Committee, Commission, Council Review – December 2014 Plan Adoption – January 2015
Meeting Schedule TAC Meetings –Meeting 1: March 6 –Meeting 2: May 19 –Meeting 3: July 14 –Meeting 4: October 6 Community Meetings –Meeting 1: March 24 –Meeting 2: July 21 –Meeting 3: October 20
Facilitated Discussion
Format and Guidelines Facilitated Discussion –Issues and Opportunities –Key Themes Oral Comment: 3-minute maximum per comment Written Comment: Comment Card or Charts
Format and Guidelines Maintain mutual respect the views of others Wait to be called on by facilitator No interruptions