Question: Triangular trade linked what three places:
Answer Europe, Africa, and Americas (North, South, and Caribbean)
Question: List goods traded on triangular trade:
Answer Rum from Europe, slaves from Africa, sugar from Americas
Question: 1. What was exported FROM America? 2. What impact did it have on Spain?
Answer: 1. precious metals (gold, silver) from Latin America 2. caused inflation and economic depression in Spain
Questions: 1. Africa goods exported 2. Africa goods imported 3. Africa new food products from America
Answer: 1. slaves, raw materials 2. manufactured goods from Europe, Asia, Americas 3. corn, peanuts
Question: 1. goal of mercantilism: 2. Colonies exist to… 3. Europeans compete for
Answer: 1. mother country= self-sufficient 2. benefit mother country 3. overseas colonies, markets and natural resources
Question: 1. in mercantilism colonies provide… 2. limited by needs of their
Answer: 1. raw materials 2. mother country’s economic needs
Question: 1. Foundation of English democracy 2. English king attempts absolutism 3. Leads to…
Answer: 1. Magna Carta (jury trial, common law) 2. Charles I 3. English Civil War (Parliament win)
Question: 1. Who executes Charles I? 2. Who takes over after his death?
Answer: 1. Oliver Cromwell 2. Charles II (the “Restoration”
Question: 1. Come to power during Glorious Rev 2. They sign: 3. Outcome of civil war and Glorious Rev:
Answer: 1. William and Mary 2. English Bill of Rights 3. parliamentary power increases over royal (king’s) power
Question: 1. Age of Reason called: 2. Stimulates what? 3. Fuels what around world? 4. Hobbles book and idea:
1. Enlightenment 2. religious toleration 3. democratic revolutions 4. Leviathan; absolute gov’t needed
Question: 1. Locke book and ideas 2. Montesquieu book and ideas 3. Rousseau book and ideas 4. Voltaire ideas
Answer: 1. Two Treatises on Gov’t; people sovereign 2. Spirit of laws; separation of powers 3. Social Contract; cont. b/w peop. + rulers 4. free speech, religious toleration
Question: Voltaire belief on religion and gov’t:
Answer: There should be a separation of church and state (gov’t)
Question: 1. Where Ind. Rev starts: 2. Natural Resources there: 3. Key industries:
Answer: 1. England 2. coal, iron ore 3. cotton textile, iron ore, and steel industries fuel it
Question: 1. England fences off common land: 2. People work at home on textiles: 3. this is replaced by
1. enclosure movement 2. cottage industries 3. cottage industry replaced by factory system
Question: Impact of Ind. Rev 1. urbanization 2. standard of living up 3. increase in these three things:
Impact of Ind. Rev 1. rapid city growth 2. people can buy more 3. population, edu., middle class
Name what was invented: 1. James Watt 2. James Hargreaves 3. Eli Whitney 4. Henry Bessemer 5. Edward Jenner 6. Louis Pasteur
Name what was invented: 1. steam engine 2. spinning jenny 3. cotton gin 4. steel process 5. smallpox vaccine 6. discovered bacteria
What were the negative effects of IND 1. cheap labor: 2.working conditions 3. wages/hours 4. cotton gin increases
Answer: The were negative effects of IND were: 1. children; women 2. poor conditions 3. wages low; hours long 4. slavery
Question: 1. bad conditions lead to rise of 2. collective bargaining 3. reforms due to labor unions:
Answer: 1. labor unions 2. negotiations between workers and owners 3. end child labor, women vote; better pay
Question: Napoleon legacy (3)—T.N.T.
Answer: T. Tried to unify Europe—fails N. Napoleonic Code T. the growth of nationalism
Question: Three new philosophies of 1800s:
Answer: Liberalism, conservatism, and nationalism
Question: Peace conference after Napoleon’s defeat:
Answer: Congress of Vienna
Question: Legacy of Congress of Vienna (B.A.C.K.)
Answer: B. Balance of Power A. Alliances C. Creation of new Europe map K. Kings restored to power (conservatism)
Question: Widespread discontent with Congress of Vienna leads to…
Answer: Revolutions of 1848 across Europe (Especially in German and Italian states)
Question: Two rights expanded by Britain in 1830s
Answer: 1. political rights (voting) 2. end slavery in 1833
Question: 1. Adam Smith book 2. Adam Smith idea
Answer: 1. Wealth of Nations 2. free market capitalism
Question: Adam Smith argues best way for country to get rich is to allow
Answer: Free market competition (known as “laissez faire”)
Question: Free market economies lead to: (two things)
Answer: Rising standard of living and growth of middle class
Question: 1. Karl Marx book 2. Karl Marx co-author 3. 2 nd book they wrote
Answer: 1. Communist Manifesto 2. Friedrich Engels 3. Das Kapital
Question: 1. Communism was a response to… 2. Said this group would revolt…
Answer: 1. injustices (bad part) of capitalism 2. proletariat would kill the bourgeoisie in violent revolution
Question: Communism based on doing this with income (money in society)
Answer: Perfect society created through redistribution of wealth
Question: Which country dominates the global economy in the 1920s
Answer: United States
Question: What was the decade of prosperity What was the decade of depression
Answer: 1920s (BOOM) 1930s (Depression)
Question: What happened in 1929?
Answer: Stock Market Crash (1929)
Question: What happens to these economic statistics in the 1930s: 1. unemployment 2. banks 3. trade 4. tariffs 5. prices in world trade
Answer: What happens to these economic statistics in the 1930s: 1. high unemployment 2. banks FAIL trade collapses 4. tariffs rise (hurts trade) 5. prices collapse (fall)
Question: 1. Result of depression Western Europe 2. Result of depression in Germany 3. Who is blamed in Germany for depression?
Answer: 1. weakens democracies 2. Rise of Nazis 3. Jews blamed in Germany for economic collapse
Question: Give the five main causes of the worldwide depressions (CRASH)
C. credit too easy, R. Reparations, A. America too dominant, S. Stock Market Crash, H. High tariffs
Question: The ongoing conflict in the Middle East is between…
Answer: Jews and Muslims over Israel (Palestine)
Question: Protestants and Catholics have had a long standing conflict in
Answer: Northern Ireland
Question: The Balkans saw a conflict in the 1990s between
Answer: Serbs killing Croats and Muslims
Question: South Asia has ongoing tension between these two cultures:
Answer: Hindu and Muslim (India and Pakistan over Kashmir region)
Question: The horn of Africa has seen ethnic and religious strife in
Answer: Somalia (piracy and anarchy)
Question: Migration of guest workers from _____ and _________ to Europe have caused discontent
Answer: Guest workers from Middle East and Africa (Muslim immigrants)
Question: Developing countries mostly found in ….
Answer: Africa and parts of Asia and South America
Question: List characteristics of developing countries:
Answer: Low literacy; high pop. growth rate; poor healthcare and access to healthcare
Question: Define NAFTA and who belongs to it
Answer: North American Free Trade Agreement; between USA, Mexico and Canada
Question: What is the “WTO” and its purpose?
Answer: World Trade Organization; negotiates free trade agreements (lower or eliminate tariffs)
Question: What is the “IMF” and its purpose?
Answer: International Monetary Fund (give loans to developing countries)
Question: EU’s purpose and currency
Answer: European Union; economic integration (free trade for members)