Department of Conservation California Geological Survey
Sedimentary Basin Evaluation 101 basins were initially selected for screening 101 basins were initially selected for screening 74 basins did not meet the screening criteria 74 basins did not meet the screening criteria 26 basins met the screening criteria 26 basins met the screening criteria 1 basin is still being evaluated 1 basin is still being evaluated
Status of Sedimentary Basins in California Legend: Excluded from further consideration Included for further investigation Undetermined (not yet evaluated) County Boundary
Oil and Gas Fields Information about physical rock and fluid properties (porosity, permeability, depth, pressure, etc.) were compiled. Information about physical rock and fluid properties (porosity, permeability, depth, pressure, etc.) were compiled. Of the 465 oil & gas fields, 119 are less than 800m deep. Of the 465 oil & gas fields, 119 are less than 800m deep. 209 oil fields are > 800m deep. 209 oil fields are > 800m deep. 137 gas fields are > 800m deep. 137 gas fields are > 800m deep.
Sedimentary Basins, Natural Gas and Oil Fields in California Legend: Excluded from further consideration Included for further investigation Undetermined (not yet evaluated) Natural Gas Field Oil Field County Boundary Other Features
Natural Gas Field Oil Field County Boundary 20 Largest Oil and Gas Fields (Volumetrically) In California (Deeper than 800 Meters) Legend: Sedimentary Basin
Basin Evaluation To further help characterize the basins, where information is available CGS is preparing: To further help characterize the basins, where information is available CGS is preparing: A generalized depth to basement map for the basin. A gross sandstone isopach map for the basin.
Depth to Basement, Sacramento and San Joaquin Basins Contour Interval: 2,000 Feet
Generalized Cross-section of the Southern San Joaquin Basin
Isopach Map, Sacramento and San Joaquin Basins Contour Interval: 1,000 Feet Gross Sandstone between 800 meters (2,625 ft) and 3,050 meters (10,000 ft)
Department of Conservation California Geological Survey