Kingsley Davis defines “Urbanisation" to describe not merely the growth in population of cities but a relative change between the urban and rural (farming) population. Thus, just because a city's population is growing does not mean that more people are migrating from the country into cities. With increase of population and economic activities, the demand for Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage, Sanitation, Power, Affordable Housing and Urban Mobility/Connectivity increases. 1 Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Urbanisation and Cities
Source: Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision, New York 1970 : 37% 2000 : 47% 2020 : 56% The World is becoming increasingly Urban & cities are the engine of growth In 2011: More than half of world’s population lives in urban areas (about 3.5 billion people) Developing world: 42% of the population lives in urban areas By 2030, 56% will live in urban areas Urban growth most rapid in developing countries 2 Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Global Urbanization Trends
Rural-Urban Share of GDP and Taxes Rural-Urban Governance Bandwidth Source: Census of India 3 Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Urbanization Trend in India
Power Roads Telecomm/Broadband Urban Transport Drainage Sanitation Solid Waste Water Supply Slums Infrastructure Basic Services 4 Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Problems associated with Urbanization
Are we ready to move from basics to the next level of Quality of Life, Aesthetics, Urban Governance and Urbanism? Health Education Clean Fuel ITeS/G2C Services Safety/Security Citizens Expectations 5 Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Problems associated with Urbanization
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Industrial& Economic Corridors Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (1483 km) Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor(1839 Km) Chennai Vizag Industrial Corridor(800 Km) Chennai Bangalore Industrial Corridor (560 Km) Bangalore Mumbai Economic Corridor (1000 km)
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Key sustainable development concepts followed for Master Planning - Affordable Workers Housing located near the industrial zones Neighborhoods distributed around High access Mass Transit Corridors Encouraging cycling & pedestrian modes over cars Reduction of commuting needs for the workforce Recycling and Reuse of water and solid wastes Energy sufficiency through use of renewables Integration of land uses encouraging mixed-use Integration of existing villages into the new city SMART City - IT based real time Control and Governance Polycentric structure – with multiple CBDs and Industrial zones
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Step 9: Implementation Step 8: Finalization of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework (SHA & SSA ) Step 7: Identification of Trunk infrastructure packages and preparation of detailed designs for Trunk infrastructure Step 6: Seeking Environment clearance for the DMIC Nodes Step 5: Preparation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/ Digital Master Planning for the DMIC Nodes Step 4: Preparation of Feasibility Studies for Early Bird Projects identified and preparation of pre feasibility studies for the identified projects Step 3: Preparation of Concept Master Plan and Development Plan of the identified nodes Step 2: Identification of suitable sites by the State Government for the Investment Region/ Step 1:Preparation of the Perspective Plan for the overall Region
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor UP: Dadri – Noida - Ghaziabad Investment Region Haryana: Manesar – Bawal Investment Region Rajasthan: (3A) Khushkhera – Bhiwadi- Neemrana Investment Region, (3B) Jodhpur Pali Marwar Industrial Area Madhya Pradesh: Pithampur- Dhar - Mhow Investment Region Gujarat: Ahmedabad – Dholera Special Investment Region Maharashtra: (6A) Shendra - Bidkin Industrial Park & (6B) Dighi Port Industrial Area A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 8 Nodes-6 States
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry CBIC Region is anchored by two biggest urban clusters in India. Region boasts of fast growing industrial and manufacturing ecosystem around Chennai and Bangalore 90,059 sq km – 2.9% of India 47.5 million – 3.73% of India 51% vs. 31% all India 78% vs. 73% all India 50.8% vs. 46% all India Population Urbanisation Area Literacy Workers ratio High population density, greater urbanization & literacy rate Higher propensity of Japanese companies to locate along the corridor: –1,229 Japanese entities are located in Tamil Nadu(577), Karnataka(395) and Andhra Pradesh(257). ( in 2014) –CBIC region currently accounts for 6 % of National GDP * Chittoor, Anathapur and Nellore are part of CBIC region Tumakuru Node Krishnapatnam Industrial Node Ponneri Node Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry CBIC vision envisages disruptive interventions in hard and soft infrastructure to achieve 15% p.a growth in manufacturing to meet NMP targets Global Manufacturing Centre “Be known as a global leading manufacturing centre towing world economic growth and generating national employment opportunities.” Top Investment Destination “Be one of the top three preferred investment destinations in Asia and the most preferred in India with high efficiency and competitiveness.” Leading Innovation Hub “Be known as the leading innovation hub and knowledge capital of India through presenting innovative progress in industrial sector.” Model of Inclusive Growth “Exhibit a model of inclusive growth pattern and ensure high level of environmental standards.” ObjectivesGoalsKey sectors Thrust to economic growth12-15% corridor GDP growth for next 2o years Computer, electronics and optical products Automobiles Machinery and Electrical Machinery Pharmaceuticals Food Processing Textiles and Apparels Global competitivenessBoost exports and value addition in key sectors Employment creation Skill development & 22 million manufacturing job creation Prioritizing sustainable development Environmental sustainability and reduced emissions Thrust to manufacturing and MSME 25% contribution from manufacturing sector to GDP
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Bengaluru – Mumbai Economic Corridor
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Being developed between Bengaluru-Mumbai (around 1000km) with Influence Area spread across Karnataka and Maharashtra since DMICDC is the nodal agency of project for project development activities. UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) is the nodal agency on the UK side for the project Final Perspective Plan has been submitted to State Govt. of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Comments/ approval is awaited in this regard. Master Planning of Dharwad node in Karnataka has been initiated After the approval of the perspective plan, detailed master planning, preliminary design and engineering for areas that will be made available by the State Govt. will be taken up. Bengaluru – Mumbai Economic Corridor
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Amritsar – Kolkata Industrial Corridor Project
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry This corridor will be structured around the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) as the backbone and also the Highway system that exists on this route. The AKIC will also leverage the Inland Water System being developed along National Waterway-1 which extends from Allahabad to Haldia. It will cover 7 States of - Punjab, Haryana, UP, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand & WB. DMICDC selected as Nodal Agency for doing Feasibility Study, which is being conducted. Preparation of Regional Perspective Plan, along with undertaking Feasibility and preparing Concept Master Plan for establishing one Integrated Manufacturing Cluster (IMC) in each of Seven (7) AKIC States is underway After completion of perspective plan, detailed master planning, preliminary design and engineering for areas that will be made available by the State Govt. will be taken up. Amritsar – Kolkata Industrial Corridor Projects
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu NH 16 alignment 1.Visakhapatnam 2. East Godavari 3.West Godavari 4. Krishna 5. Guntur 6. Prakasam 8. Kadapa 9.Chittoor 11.Chennai 10.Tiruvallur 7.Nellore Vishakhapatnam Node Kakinada Node Gangavaram – Kankipadu Node Yerpedu – Srikalahsti Node Vizag- Chennai Industrial Corridor - India’s first Coastal Corridor
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Envisaged as part of East Coast Economic Corridor linking Kolkata- Chennai - Tuticorin. Conceptual Development Plan has been completed by ADB during Dec, ADB has initiated Master Planning for two nodes namely Vishakhapatnam and Srikalahasti-Yerpedu in the last quarter of 2015 and likely to be completed in DEA has accorded approval of ADB project loan of US $500 million and ADB programme loan of US$ 125 million to the Government of Andhra Pradesh for VCIC Project recently. Vizag - Chennai Industrial Corridor Project
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Current Status of Corridors
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Project Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) Bengaluru Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC) Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC) Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) Status I. Perspective Plan for overall Region In progress II. Identification of suitable site for IA/IR - III. Concept Master Plan & Development Plan of Identified Node In progress (Tender documents have been issued and consultants will be appointed shortly) - - In Progress IV. Preparation of ICT Master Plan for nodes ---- V. Environment Clearance ----
APPHED – Andhra Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Connectivity and Socio-Economic Development of North Eastern Region
APPHED – Andhra Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Background During the PM visit to Japan, at the Tokyo Declaration for India, the two PMs placed special emphasis on Japan’s cooperation for enhanced connectivity and development in Northeast India and linking the region to other economic corridors in India and to the Southeast Asia On 1 st December,2014 a meeting was held where SIPP suggested that JICA & ADB will undertake simultaneous study for the possible connectivity projects in NER. It was also observed that not only transport but other economic activities must also ride on the back of road transport for the accelerated growth of the region The highlights of the Study conducted by JICA would be observed in the following slides. Road Transportation constitute 85% of passenger and 60% of Freight each. Only 28.5% (63.4% is average in whole country) of the road in North-East states is paved road and only 53% of national highway has more than 2- lane road. Access roads to reach the border of neighbor countries remain undeveloped
APPHED – Andhra Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Projects shortlisted for possible JICA funding Connectivity Projects of North Eastern Region- Click Here
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Resources
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Status note for the Month of January, DMICDC
Department of Industrial Policy &Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides - Rig Veda