1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
What should we produce? How should we produce it? For whom are we producing? 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Availability of raw materials Availability of means of production Availability of human resources Entrepreneurial resources Imagination, creativity, and risk taking 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Demand Economies Socialist Economies Capitalist Economies Free Market Economies 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Government controls the factors of production Government answers the 3 basic economic questions 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Government controls major portions of the economy making all the decisions ◦ Education ◦ Communication ◦ Transportation ◦ Healthcare Allows some portions of the economy to be capitalist or free market 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Supply and demand controls product availability Significant amounts of taxation and regulation 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Supply and demand controls product availability Government does not involve itself in the marketplace ◦ Caveat emptor – Let the buyer beware ◦ Venditat emptor – Let the seller beware 1.01 How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?
Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations ◦ An “Invisible Hand” guides products into and out of the marketplace ◦ Because a consumer can vote with her wallet, inferior products will be voted off the island ◦ Innovation and competition occur protecting us from monopolies Demand – The amount of goods or services consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. Supply – The amount of goods or services providers are willing and able to sell at a given price. Equilibrium – The point at which buyers and sellers agree on quantity and price. ◦ Happens every time money is exchanged How does an economic system affect the environment in which businesses function?