Economics & the environment
Issues with the environment are global: 1.Need SUSTAINABLE development: Developing countries have a growing population, they need resources.
2. Climate & Atmosphere: -pollution & climate change is a global problem -some countries produce more pollution per capita
3. Treaties & agreements: -not enforceable -all countries are not “equal”
What is economics? …the study of the choices people make as they use and distribute resources. Everything has a value. “Supply and demand” issues also apply to environmental resources.
Governments role in economics & the environment The gov’t can make laws or give incentives to influence the market & the economy.
Conflicts with business, industry, agriculture & the environment: -Regulation costs money Pollution/emission controls Banning of needed materials Restriction of use
Economics & the environment in developing countries Resources being used quickly for cash. Lack of resources for quickly growing population. Lack of regulation…regulation slows economic growth in some industries.
Sustainability Ability of a specified system to survive and function over a period of time
Sustainable living Meeting present needs without preventing future generations from meeting theirs
P (population) X A (affluence) X T (technological impact/unit of use) = I (Environmental impact)
Ecological footprint or environmental impact Amount of land needed to produce the resources needed by an average person in a country