7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Rare B Decays at the Tevatron Jason Rieger, Indiana University On behalf of the DØ and CDF collaborations BEACH 2006
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 A Myriad of Rare Decays Those which require large data sets –Measurement of Br(B s D s1 (2536) X) at D Those which are Cabibo suppressed –Br(B D K)/Br(B D π) at CDF FCNC at the Tevatron, still room for factor 10+ SUSY effects –B s + -
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 The DØ Detector 2 Tesla Magnetic Field Excellent Coverage –Muon system: | |<2 –Tracking System: | |<3 Robust Muon triggers High semi-leptonic yields
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 The CDF Detector New Silicon vertex detecor –Inner layer at 1.35 cm New central tracker –Excellent mass resolution Extended coverage TOF and dE/dx particle ID Second level impact parameter trigger –Allows all hadronic B decay triggers
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Medium Rare Br(B s D s1 (2536) X) Important for testing HQET –Semileptonic decay to heavy excited state, mostly in phase space close to zero recoil, where most of the correction action is! The B 0 s D s1 (2536) is a significant fraction of B 0 s semileptonic decays making it important for: –Comparing inclusive/exclusive decay rates –Extracting CKM matrix elements –Using semileptonic decays in B 0 s mixing More info on D s ** doublets
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B s D s1 (2536) X Decay K K It all Starts Here! BsBs D s ** D*KsD*Ks +-+- D 0 our guy of interest
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Data Sample and Signal D* Candidates 82130±463 D* Candidates D s ** Candidates 43.8±8.3 D s ** signal events ~5 significance DØ RunII Preliminary
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 The Measurement Normalize to the known branching ratio: We can use the equation Giving a final result of First Measurement!!!
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Comparison With Theory Using And assuming Br(D s1 (2536) D * K s 0 )=0.25 –D s1 (2536) decays half the time into D * K 0 by isospin arguments –K 0 decays half the time in K s 0 We get the following Source Br(B s 0 D s1 (2536) X This Result(0.86±0.16(stat)±0.13(syst)±0.09(prod.frac))% ISGW20.53% RQM0.39% HQET & QCD sum rules0.195% H.B. Mayorga,A.Moreno Briceno and J.H.Munoz J.Phys G 29(2003) 2059 from PDG
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Rare Br(B DK)/Br(B D ) Can use partial widths of B D 0 K to Obtain measurement of Belle, Babar and CLEO have advanced measurements in this channel Before the Tevatron can contribute with the B s channel we first have to understand B + This is the Tevatron’s first step in the measurement of gamma See talk by A. Garmash for a more detailed discussion
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 The Data Sample Use : – small kinematic differences between modes –Particle ID (dE/dx) to differentiate between the two modes Calibrate dE/dx using sample of kaons and pions from : –D * D 0 K –1.5 sigma separation Unbinned Likelihood fit was used, combining kinematic information & dE/dx
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Br(B DK)/Br(B D ) results World Average for this measurement: –0.0830± Coming from combined results of Belle, Babar and Cleo Br(B DK)/Br(B D ) = 0.065±0.007 (stat.)±0.004(syst.) Mass fit projection PID fit projection
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 (Very) Rare Flavor Changing Neutral Currents FCNC’s are forbidden at tree level. B l + l - decays are also helicity supressed Standard Model –BR(B s + - )~3.4 x10 -9 –Depends only on one SM operator in effective Hamiltonian, –hadronic uncertainties are small
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 New Physics in Flavor Physics? b s penguins –b s , b s l + l -, b s sbar rate, and asymmetry measurements at Belle, Babar, and Cleo are all consistent with theory B –Measured at Belle and again, consistent with theory B s mixing –First double-sided limit by D limited hope for new physics, the later measurement by CDF confirmed that m s within theory errors, no new physics there All great measurements, but…
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Annihilation Topologies Initial state: –q=s better than q=d since V ts >>V td : factor ~40 gain Final state : –Rate proportional to m l 2 –l= versus l=e : factor ~40000 gain –l= versus l= : factor ~200 gain b q l+l+ V tq Internal SM is the same regardless of q or l l-l- Much harder to do experimentally This is why we use B s + -
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Annihilation Topologies Pick up several powers of tan , once you introduce SUSY Higgs M. Carena et al. hep-ph/
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Annihilation Topologies Pick up several powers of tan , once you introduce SUSY Higgs M. Carena et al. hep-ph/ Given agreement between Tevatron m s and CKM fit on order of 5 ps -1 B s + - still unbounded!
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B s + - analysis variables used Isolation Fraction of momentum in jet carried by B meson Expect majority of momentum from b to be carried by B s meson Pointing angle Angle between dimuon momentum vector and decay length vector Angle should be small between these two vectors Decay Length Significance Since the B meson has lifetime one can require decay length to be greater than error on decay length
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B + - experimental search CDF –780 pb -1 di-muon triggered data –Two separate seach channels central/central muons central/forward muons –Extract B s & B d limit D –300 pb -1 di-muon triggered data –Study done for sensitivity out to 700 pb -1 –B d & B s overlap Both Experiments Blind analysis Side bands for background determination Use B + J/ K + as normalization mode
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Normalization Normalization done to B J/ K + Advantages: – + - selection efficiency the same –High statistics –Well known branching ratio Disadvantages: –b B s and b B d fragmentations both needed
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B + - Cut Optimization at D Optimize cuts on three Discriminating variables: Pointing angle Decay length significance Isolation
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B + - Cut Optimization at CDF Discriminating Variables Pointing Angle Proper Decay Length Isolation
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 B s + - at D D waiting for full RunIIa dataset to open the box Preliminary sensitivity for 700pb -1 : 2.3x10 -7 Expect 2.2 ±0.7 background events
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Latest B s + - Results Effect of old ~0.4fb -1 Tev. Limit on a favorable corner Of parameter space Minimal SO(10)
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Latest B s + - Results One less corner of Parameter space! Minimal SO(10) BF(B s + - ) < 1x10 95% CL
7/7/06Jason Rieger BEACH 2006 Conclusions B physics at the Tevatron is great for exploring many different types of rare decays B s + - remains the best current probe for SUSY effects in B physics –One of the last places to find order 10 SUSY effects!