Determining Main Idea SOL 6.6g—identify main idea 8.6g—identify stated or inferred main idea 8.6h—identify and summarize supporting details.


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Presentation transcript:

Determining Main Idea SOL 6.6g—identify main idea 8.6g—identify stated or inferred main idea 8.6h—identify and summarize supporting details

What is the Main Idea? Definition: The main idea is the “big idea” of the whole work, one section, or single paragraph. It is what the passage is mainly about. It is the point the author is trying to get across. The main idea is different from the subject or the topic. The subject is what the writing is about The main idea is the “so what?” about the subject. Example: In an article, the subject is penguins. Well, so what? What about penguins? The article is about how penguins can’t fly.  This is the main idea.

Formula for Finding the Main Idea Subject or Topic + What the author says about the subject or topic (supporting details) ______________________ = The Main Idea

Graphic Organizer for Main Idea What the author says about the subject Reasons, examples, other kinds of evidence that develop and support a main idea. Main Idea Supporting Detail

Tips for Finding the Subject Look at the title or the heading. Look at the first sentence. Look at key words or repeated words or names.

Where is the Main Idea? The main idea can be found in three places: 1. In the beginning, in the topic sentence. 2. In the end, in the concluding sentence. 3. Not stated, but inferred through all the sentences.

What does main idea look like on the SOL??? FOR FICTION TEXTS: What is the main idea of paragraph#? Which sentence best expresses the main idea of paragraphs # and #? In this poem, line # indicates that--

What does main idea look like on the SOL??? For Non-Fiction Texts: The reader can tell this selection is expository because— The main purpose of the guide is— The purpose of the article is— As this is an informational text, what can the reader expect? The author could use this text to— The purpose of this text is to--

Find the Main Idea: Non-Fiction Americans love to send greeting cards. For instance, over 4 million birthday cards are sent out in this country every day. Around Valentine’s Day last year, over 900 million cards were mailed. And close to 3 billion holiday greeting cards were sent out during the Christmas season. What is the subject? What is the main idea? What are some supporting details?

Find the Main Idea: Non-Fiction Sea Otters collect large hard-shelled abalones in their teeth during dives to the sea bottom, then each picks up a stone with its forepaws. Surfacing, the otters roll onto their backs, place the abalones on their bellies, and clasping a stone in both front feet, smash the shells open. Therefore, Sea Otters use these stones as hammers. What is the subject? What is the main idea? What are some supporting details?

Find the Main Idea: Fiction In high school, I tried writing my own novels and short stories. After high school, I married a woman who was a fine poet and who became an editorial assistant at a publishing company. As a private joke for her, I began to write a science fiction novel. When I showed it to her, she suggested I submit it to her boss. I did and it was accepted. What is the main idea?

Main Idea #1: Doctors say it’s good for people to laugh. It can help sick people feel better. One man was very sick. He decided to rent comedy movies. His friends came over and told jokes. Soon the man got better. Why? No one knows for sure. What would be a good title? F Laughing is Good for You G Funny Movies H How to Laugh J Funny Doctors What is the main idea? A You smile when you are not mad. B Laughing can help you feel better. C It is fun to make jokes all the time. D Doctors are very funny.

Main Idea #2: Skip got a new dog named Scooby. Scooby did not look like a dog. He looked like a wolf. But Scooby was only part wolf. He was very gentle. The only time he acted like a wolf was when he wanted to play. Then he would howl like this: “OWWW-owww.” What is the main idea? A Scooby was a very big dog. B Scooby looked like a wolf, but didn’t act like one. C Skip bought a small, playful dog. D Skip decided he did not like dogs once he owned one. What would be a good title? F Scooby the Wolf Dog G How to Pick a Dog H A Wolf in the Wild J Scooby Likes to Play

Main Idea #3: Scoop’s car started to shake. Scoop stopped the car and got out. The tire had a puncture in it. “I will have to put on a new tire,” said Scoop. Soon the new tire was on. Away Scoop went. What is the main idea? A Scoop needs a new car. B Scoop gave his car away. C Scoop did not drive well. D Scoop put on a new tire. What is a good title? F Scoop’s Car G The new Car H The Flat Tire J How to Fix a Flat

Main Idea #4: Have you ever seen a bike for two riders? There are also bikes for three riders. There is one bike that is even longer. It extends as long as twelve bikes put together! More than thirty people are needed to ride it! What is the main idea? A There are bikes for three riders. B One person can ride a very long bike. C One bike is as long as twelve bikes put together. D Bikes are not much fun to ride. What is a good title? F Riding Your Bike G A Bike for Two H A Bike for Three J The Longest Bike

Inferred Main Idea Practice Bella stretched out on the couch, not on the seat cushions but on the arm rest in the sunshine. She was the beloved family dog that was not supposed to be on the couch. Her black fur stood out on the light tan upholstery, and Mother hated seeing dog hair all over her new couch. Martin decided that he could fix this problem, which would allow Bella to sit on the couch with the family. He purchased a new dog hair removal device from the store with his allowance. He then cleaned the couch religiously every week. Now, everyone, including Bella, could enjoy the nice, new couch. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Bella doesn't always obey B. Bella is the family dog that liked the arm rest C. Martin cleaned the couch so Bella could enjoy sitting with the family D. Martin purchased a dog hair removal device from the store and cleaned the couch

Inferred Main Idea #2 Novels and short stories are types of fiction. Drama is another example. Fairy tales and fables are also fiction. It is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact. What is the inferred main idea of the passage? A) There are many types of literature. B) Novels, short stories, drama, fairy tales and fables are types of fiction. C) Fiction is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact D) Novels and short stories are types of fiction

Inferred Main Idea #3 How far is it to the Sun? It's so far that it's hard to comprehend. In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles. The distance changes slightly as the Earth travels around the Sun. Suppose it were possible to take a jetliner there. Traveling at a little over 550 mph, it would take nearly 20 years to get there. Even if you could travel at 25,000 mph, it would take five months to reach the Sun. What is the inferred main idea of the passage? A) How far is it to the sun? B) It's so far to the Sun that it's hard to comprehend. C) In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles to the Sun. D) It takes a long time to get to the sun, no matter how you travel.